Marketing Tips Archives - Print on Demand & Fulfillment Service Custom products with no minimums Thu, 21 Dec 2023 07:47:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Marketing Tips Archives - Print on Demand & Fulfillment Service 32 32 Print on Demand & Fulfillment Service Cách Viết Mô Tả Sản Phẩm Giúp Tăng Tỷ Lệ Chốt Đơn Thu, 21 Dec 2023 04:11:31 +0000 Một bản mô tả hấp dẫn là một trong những yếu tố dẫn đến thành công của các Seller bán thương mại điện tử. Đặc biệt là khi khách hàng không thể trực...

The post Cách Viết Mô Tả Sản Phẩm Giúp Tăng Tỷ Lệ Chốt Đơn appeared first on Print on Demand & Fulfillment Service.

Một bản mô tả hấp dẫn là một trong những yếu tố dẫn đến thành công của các Seller bán thương mại điện tử. Đặc biệt là khi khách hàng không thể trực tiếp chạm vào hay trải nghiệm sản phẩm, thì một bản mô tả cụ thể, chi tiết và cuốn hút sẽ giúp khách hàng hiểu rõ hơn về chất liệu, thông số và tính năng của sản phẩm, từ đó dễ dàng đưa ra quyết định chốt đơn hơn. Vậy đâu là cách viết mô tả sản phẩm hiệu quả cho các sản phẩm POD? 

Hãy cùng Merchize khám phá ngay trong bài viết này!

Một số tiêu chí đánh giá mô tả sản phẩm hiệu quả 

Mô tả sản phẩm là những thông tin ngắn gọn, chi tiết và hấp dẫn có nhiệm vụ cung cấp cho khách hàng tiềm năng thông tin quan trọng về sản phẩm. Chúng thường xuất hiện trên các website thương mại điện tử, catalogue và các tài liệu marketing khác. Mục đích chính của một miêu tả sản phẩm là truyền đạt rõ ràng và thuyết phục về đặc điểm, lợi ích và những điểm nổi bật của sản phẩm, từ đó thúc đẩy khách hàng chốt đơn mua sắm.

Cách viết mô tả sản phẩm hiệu quả

Khi viết miêu tả sản phẩm, Seller cần lưu ý các yếu tố sau:

  • Tiêu đề thu hút: Tiêu đề là thứ đầu tiên khách hàng chú ý tới, vì vậy Seller hãy đảm bảo rằng nó thật ấn tượng nhé! Seller có thể chơi chữ hoặc sử dụng ngôn ngữ hài hước để thêm phần thú vị.
  • Nhấn mạnh tính năng sản phẩm: Hãy chú trọng tới những tính năng nổi bật và khác biệt nhất của sản phẩm. Điều gì khiến cho sản phẩm của bạn đặc biệt hơn hàng ngàn người bán khác? 
  • Lợi ích mà sản phẩm đem lại cho người dùng: Đừng chỉ liệt kê một cách tẻ nhạt, Seller hãy giải thích thêm rằng sản phẩm này có thể giúp ích cho khách hàng như thế nào. Ví dụ như chiếc Custom Shape Photo Night Light sẽ làm nên món quà Valentine độc nhất vô nhị mà khách hàng có thể dành tặng người yêu thương và không thể trùng lặp với bất cứ món quà tặng đại trà nào khác. 
  • Thông số kỹ thuật: Bởi khách hàng không thể mặc thử hay tự tay cảm nhận sản phẩm, Seller hãy chú giải thật chi tiết thông số sản phẩm để khách dễ hình dung và lựa chọn hơn nhé. Một số thông tin quan trọng là chất liệu, bảng kích thước, số đo, kích thước, điện năng tiêu thụ (đối với các sản phẩm điện tử). 
  • Đính kèm hình ảnh và video: Hình ảnh và video là những vũ khí mạnh mẽ hơn ngôn từ rất nhiều! Seller hãy cố gắng đính kèm nhiều hình ảnh và video nhất có thể để khách hàng dễ dàng hình dung sản phẩm hơn nhé. Ví dụ như hình ảnh mặt trước – mặt sau, ảnh detail sản phẩm hay video hướng dẫn sử dụng sẽ là điểm cộng rất lớn cho sản phẩm của bạn đó!
  • Đưa ra các ưu đãi hấp dẫn (nếu có): Theo nghiên cứu của Liên đoàn bán lẻ Quốc tế (NRF), 58% người tiêu dùng tham gia khảo sát chia sẻ rằng các ưu đãi và giảm giá là lý do chính khiến họ đưa ra quyết định mua hàng. Vì vậy Seller đừng bỏ lỡ tiềm năng từ các ưu đãi giảm giá nhé! 
  • Đánh giá tích cực từ khách đã mua hàng: Những đánh giá chân thực từ những vị khách uy tín đã mua hàng sẽ chứng tỏ độ đáng tin cậy của shop đối với khách hàng mới. Seller có thể tăng thêm đánh giá cho shop bằng cách dành tặng những ưu đãi nho nhỏ khi khách hàng viết review sản phẩm. 
  • Câu CTA (Call To Action) thuyết phục: Hãy đưa ra những lời kêu gọi cụ thể về việc bạn muốn khách hàng làm gì và ở vị trí dễ nhìn nhất. 

Cách viết mô tả sản phẩm hiệu quả

Để viết mô tả sản phẩm print on demand, Seller cần kết hợp giữa ngôn từ thuyết phục, cách kể chuyện hấp dẫn và làm nổi bật các tính năng và lợi ích độc đáo của sản phẩm. Hãy cùng Merchize khám phá từng bước về cách viết mô tả sản phẩm “bách phát bách trúng” nhé!

Bước 1: Hiểu rõ khách hàng của bạn là ai 

Nền tảng cho sự thành công ở bất cứ lĩnh vực nào cũng bắt đầu từ việc thấu hiểu chân dung khách hàng của bạn. Ai là người có tiềm năng quan tâm tới sản phẩm của bạn nhất? Trước khi viết mô tả sản phẩm, Seller đừng quên tìm hiểu kỹ lưỡng về nhân khẩu học (demographics) và tâm lý học (psychographics) của những khách hàng tiềm năng. 

Một số tiêu chí mà Seller có thể cân nhắc là: 

  • Tuổi tác, giới tính, vị trí, mức thu nhập 
  • Mối quan tâm, sở thích, ưu tiên và vấn đề họ đang gặp phải (pain point)
  • Hình thức liên lạc và kênh mua sắm yêu thích

Một mẹo nhỏ cho Seller là hãy đặt mình vào vị trí của khách hàng để đưa ra những nội dung chính xác. Ví dụ như thông điệp nào sẽ thu hút sự chú ý của họ? Họ đang lăn tăn về những vấn đề gì khi mua sắm online? Mô tả sản phẩm của bạn càng tiệm cận với nhu cầu, mong muốn và sở thích của khách hàng thì tiềm năng chốt đơn càng cao. 

Ví dụ bạn kinh doanh một thương hiệu mỹ phẩm thiên nhiên với đối tượng khách hàng tiềm năng là phụ nữ từ 25-45 tuổi, quan tâm đến những sản phẩm với nguyên liệu tự nhiên và bền vững. Vậy thì khi miêu tả các sản phẩm của bạn, hãy nhấn mạnh vào việc các công thức được nghiên cứu kỹ lưỡng thế nào để chiều chuộng cả những làn da nhạy cảm nhất, đồng thời chúng an toàn và dịu nhẹ ra sao. Bằng cách này, bạn cho khách hàng thấy rằng bạn đem đến những giá trị mà họ đang quan tâm tới. 

Seller có thể tìm hiểu những thông tin về khách hàng (insight) thông qua các khảo sát, bình chọn trên mạng xã hội, hoặc thông qua Google analytics. Đừng nên viết quá chung chung, hãy nghĩ rằng bạn đang viết cho một người bạn đang rất hào hứng khám phá sản phẩm của bạn. 

Bước 2: Tập trung vào lợi ích của sản phẩm

Trong khi các tính năng cho khách hàng biết rằng sản phẩm của bạn “có gì” thì lợi ích nói lên rằng “làm thế nào” mà sản phẩm của bạn có thể giải quyết được những vấn đề họ đang gặp phải. Lợi ích càng hấp dẫn thì động lực mua hàng càng gia tăng.

mô tả sản phẩm print on demand

Bạn có thể tự đặt cho mình những câu hỏi sau đây để liệt kê lợi ích sản phẩm đầy đủ và chính xác: 

  • Khách hàng của bạn đang gặp phải vấn đề gì? 
  • Sản phẩm này giúp ích cho họ thế nào? 
  • Kết quả nào sẽ khiến khách hàng vui thích? 

Một khi bạn trả lời được những câu hỏi trên thì việc liệt kê lợi ích sản phẩm trở nên rất dễ dàng. Ví dụ như một chiếc máy pha cà phê không chỉ là một công cụ kim loại khô cứng, nó mang đến niềm vui của việc nhâm nhi ly cà phê thơm ngon mỗi sáng mà không cần ra khỏi căn nhà ấm cúng. Như vậy có thể thấy rằng sản phẩm không hề thay đổi, nhưng giá trị mà nó mang lại thì tăng lên rất nhiều. 

Bên cạnh đó thì việc nhấn mạnh vào lợi ích sản phẩm cũng sẽ mang lại cho bạn những lợi thế vượt trội trong thị trường với hàng ngàn sản phẩm cùng công năng. 

Một số ví dụ về việc nhấn mạnh vào lợi ích sản phẩm mà Seller có thể tham khảo là: 

  • Nhà có tiệc cũng chẳng lo – chiếc lò “ma thuật” giải quyết mọi món ăn khó!
  • Chẳng còn ngại đường xa mưa nắng hay phòng gym đông người! Bộ tạ đa kích thước giúp bạn “điêu khắc” vóc dáng trong mơ tại chính ngôi nhà của bạn! 
  • Tận hưởng trọn vẹn hương vị tươi mát với máy ép lạnh đa năng, giúp bảo toàn trọn vẹn vị ngon và chất dinh dưỡng! 

Bước 3: Sử dụng ngôn ngữ thuyết phục

Mô tả sản phẩm hấp dẫn không chỉ là liệt kê, mà còn phải thuyết phục và thúc giục khách hàng mua hàng! Bí kíp nằm ở cách dùng ngôn từ khéo léo, biến những thông tin bình thường thành lời mời chào hấp dẫn.

Seller có thể lồng ghép những tuyệt chiêu sau để chinh phục trái tim khách hàng:

  • Từ ngữ ấn tượng: Dùng những từ gợi cảm xúc mạnh như “tuyệt vời", “bất ngờ", “không gì sánh bằng" để khiến sản phẩm trở nên hấp dẫn hơn.
  • Tạo cảm giác khan hiếm: Hãy nói về số lượng có hạn hoặc flash sale để thúc giục khách hàng mau chốt đơn. Ví dụ: “Chỉ còn 5 sản phẩm duy nhất!" hoặc “Flash sale 24 giờ!”
  • Dẫn dắt tinh tế: Dùng ngôn từ khéo léo để khiến khách hàng tự nhận ra sản phẩm của bạn là lựa chọn số 1, vượt trội hơn hẳn so với các sản phẩm khác. Tạo cảm giác tin tưởng, chân thật về giá trị sản phẩm.
  • Uy tín đã được kiểm chứng: Seller có thể trích dẫn những lời khen, đánh giá tốt để tạo niềm tin cho người mua. 

Ngoài ra, lời kêu gọi hành động rõ ràng cũng rất quan trọng. Seller hãy cho khách hàng biết bước tiếp theo cần làm là gì, như “Mua ngay" hoặc “Thêm vào giỏ hàng" để thúc đẩy họ hành động.

Cách viết mô tả sản phẩm hiệu quả

Trong thế giới thương mại điện tử đầy ắp sự lựa chọn, sử dụng ngôn từ thuyết phục sẽ tạo ra động lực lớn để khách hàng chọn sản phẩm của bạn. Học hỏi từ những tips trên và đừng quên luôn luôn trung thực và nhấn mạnh giá trị sản phẩm. Như vậy thì việc tăng doanh thu và phát triển danh tiếng cho Seller sẽ đến sớm thôi!

Bước 4: Truyền cảm hứng qua một câu chuyện

Thay vì đơn thuần liệt kê công dụng hay thông số sản phẩm cụ thể nhưng có phần khô khan, bạn hãy biến sản phẩm của mình thành nhân vật chính trong một câu chuyện chạm đến trái tim khách hàng. Một câu chuyện dễ nhớ, dễ liên tưởng, và lôi cuốn về mặt cảm xúc. Đồng thời đừng quên lồng ghép những yếu tố sau đây vào câu chuyện của bạn: 

  • Đặt vấn đề: Hãy bắt đầu câu chuyện bằng cách chỉ ra những điều khiến khách hàng phiền muộn. Cho họ thấy rằng bạn hiểu rõ vấn đề của họ để đưa ra giải pháp phù hợp
  • Đưa ra giải pháp: Giới thiệu rằng sản phẩm của bạn như một vị cứu tinh và mô tả chi tiết tính năng, cách sản phẩm giải quyết vấn đề tốt hơn các lựa chọn khác.
  • Cung cấp trải nghiệm: Hãy giúp khách hàng mường tượng cuộc sống với sản phẩm của bạn. Dùng ngôn ngữ sống động, tác động đa giác quan để khiến lợi ích sản phẩm trở nên rõ ràng và dễ nắm bắt.
  • Chia sẻ kết quả: Chia sẻ cái kết viên mãn với những mục tiêu đạt được, cuộc sống tốt đẹp hơn sau khi sử dụng sản phẩm. Hãy cho họ thấy những điều tuyệt vời có thể xảy ra một cách chân thực.

Đừng quên giữ cho câu chuyện ngắn gọn nhưng sinh động, kích thích trí tưởng tượng mà vẫn liên quan đến sản phẩm. Việc storytelling giúp bạn bỏ qua sự cường điệu, đánh vào cảm xúc để xây dựng mối quan hệ tin tưởng với khách hàng. Cuối cùng, khách hàng sẽ bị cuốn hút đến mức việc dẫn dắt họ mua hàng trở nên suôn sẻ. 

Cách viết mô tả sản phẩm hiệu quả

Bằng cách lồng ghép cốt truyện tự nhiên như thế, bạn đang mời khách hàng bước vào thế giới bạn tạo ra. Câu chuyện hay sẽ bán được hàng. Vậy bạn đã lựa chọn được câu chuyện hấp dẫn nào cho sản phẩm của mình chưa? 

Bước 5: Nhấn mạnh những tính năng độc đáo

Trong muôn trùng sản phẩm “na ná” nhau, làm sao để nổi bật giữa đám đông? Bí quyết nằm ở chỗ tìm ra và nhấn mạnh những điểm khác biệt độc đáo của sản phẩm. Đừng nên cho rằng những tính năng bình thường với bạn cũng bình thường với khách hàng. Thay vào đó, hãy tìm điểm nào khiến sản phẩm của bạn “chất" hơn hẳn các lựa chọn khác.

Để tìm ra sức hấp dẫn riêng của sản phẩm, hãy tự hỏi mình:

  • Sản phẩm của mình có gì độc, có tính sáng tạo mà đối thủ không có?
  • Lợi ích nào của sản phẩm là khó copy hay thay thế nhất?
  • Khách hàng của mình sẽ thấy đặc điểm nào của sản phẩm là lợi thế hiếm có và quyết định mua hàng?

Sau đó, hãy kêu to những đặc điểm đáng tự hào đó trong phần mô tả sản phẩm, dùng những cụm từ như “Công thức đặc biệt giúp…", “Thiết kế đột phá mang lại…", “Sản phẩm duy nhất có…"

thế nào là mô tả sản phẩm hiệu quả


Ví dụ, nếu bạn bán ốp điện thoại in theo yêu cầu, hãy nhấn mạnh có những mẫu độc quyền không có ở đâu khác. Nếu bạn bán dụng cụ nhà bếp, hãy nói về thiết kế tiện dụng, mang lại sự thoải mái khi sử dụng trong thời gian dài. Chỉ ra bạn chăm chút đến từng tiểu tiết, và quan tâm tới trải nghiệm của khách hàng. 

Hãy cho khách hàng thấy cuộc sống của họ sẽ tốt đẹp hơn như thế nào nhờ những điểm độc đáo mà chỉ sản phẩm của bạn có. Thuyết phục họ rằng họ sẽ bỏ lỡ nhiều thứ nếu không chọn sản phẩm mang lại giá trị riêng biệt mà bạn mang lại. Sự độc đáo sẽ giúp Seller bán sản phẩm với giá cao hơn và xây dựng được tệp khách hàng trung thành. Vì vậy nên hãy khoe những gì khiến bạn vượt trội hơn đối thủ ngay thôi!

Bước 6: Ưu tiên sự đơn giản và dễ hiểu

Khi viết mô tả sản phẩm, tốt nhất là chọn những từ đơn giản, dễ hiểu để truyền tải thông điệp đến người đọc nhanh chóng. Tránh dùng thuật ngữ chuyên ngành hay ngôn ngữ kỹ thuật phức tạp mà khách hàng bình thường khó hiểu. Thay vào đó, hãy biến những thông số kỹ thuật thành những lợi ích thực tế, dễ hình dung trong cuộc sống hàng ngày.

Để đảm bảo mô tả sản phẩm tạo ra hình ảnh rõ ràng trong tâm trí khách hàng, Seller có thể tự đặt ra những câu hỏi:

  • Liệu thông tin này có khiến khách hàng tò mò và thích thú không?
  • Liệu nó có truyền đạt rõ ràng về điều gì khiến sản phẩm của tôi nổi bật?
  • Liệu một khách hàng nhí có thể hiểu được thông tin này và háo hức muốn thử sản phẩm của tôi không?

Ví dụ như khi chào bán một bức tranh canvas, Seller có thể nói rằng: “Với chất liệu canvas cao cấp đạt chuẩn bảo tàng, từng chi tiết tuyệt vời sẽ hiện lên như một khung cảnh sống động. Chúng tôi sử dụng mực in riêng biệt giúp mang đến những tông màu hài hòa, lâu phai, đưa bạn đắm chìm vào thế giới của nghệ thuật.” 

Bằng cách nói đơn giản nhưng khơi gợi cảm xúc, bạn sẽ khiến khách hàng dễ dàng hình dung và yêu thích sản phẩm của mình. Với ngôn từ dễ hiểu, dễ chạm đến trái tim, khách hàng sẽ phải thốt lên “Mình phải có cái này!" 

Bước 7: Tối ưu SEO cho mô tả sản phẩm

Mô tả sản phẩm hay không chỉ thu hút khách hàng mà còn chào đón cả những người mua sắm thầm lặng – các công cụ tìm kiếm (search engine)! Tối ưu SEO cho mô tả sản phẩm sẽ giúp trang của bạn vươn xa trong thế giới thương mại điện tử, thu hút người dùng đang thực sự quan tâm đến sản phẩm. Đây là một công cụ marketing miễn phí mà hiệu quả, giúp gia tăng đáng kể sự nhận diện thương hiệu và khả năng chốt đơn.

Cách viết mô tả sản phẩm hiệu quả

Để đáp ứng yêu cầu của cả thuật toán và người dùng, Seller hãy chú ý đến những điểm sau:

  • Từ khóa: Lồng ghép khéo léo các từ khóa liên quan mà người dùng tìm kiếm, như “ốp điện thoại in theo yêu cầu" hay cụ thể hơn như “ốp iPhone 14 Pro in ảnh collage phong cách vintage". Tuy nhiên Seller đừng quên cân bằng giữa tối ưu SEO và độ dễ đọc (Readability) nhé.
  • Siêu dữ liệu (Metadata): Xây dựng tiêu đề trang, phần mô tả và thẻ alt hấp dẫn để các search engine dễ dàng nhận diện. Đồng thời có sự gắn kết chặt chẽ với các từ khóa mục tiêu.
  • Hiệu suất website: Tốc độ tải nhanh và thân thiện với thiết bị di động sẽ giúp Seller tăng thứ hạng SEO. Seller có thể giảm kích thước file media và sử dụng các công cụ nén dữ liệu để site load nhanh hơn nhé! 

Bằng cách tinh chỉnh mô tả sản phẩm cho cả người dùng và máy móc, bạn sẽ tối đa hóa khả năng được tìm thấy. Thu hút cả những người lướt web ngẫu nhiên từ trang kết quả tìm kiếm (SERP) đồng thời cung cấp thông tin hấp dẫn để biến lượt truy cập thành doanh thu.

Mẹo hay: Hãy đặt các sản phẩm có thứ hạng SEO cao nổi bật trên trang Home page và đặt đường dẫn đến các sản phẩm cùng chủ đề trong gian hàng. Điều này vừa báo hiệu sự liên quan cho Google vừa giới thiệu nhiều lựa chọn cho khách hàng.

Có thể bạn quan tâm: 4 công cụ giúp bạn tự động hóa quy trình bán Print on demand dễ dàng.

Bước 8: Đính kèm hình ảnh và video chất lượng

Khi bán hàng print on demand, một trong những tiêu chí quan trọng dẫn đến tỷ lệ chốt đơn cao là sử dụng hình ảnh và video chất lượng cao. Ấn tượng thị giác đẹp mắt không chỉ thu hút sự chú ý, mà còn truyền tải những tiểu tiết mà ngay cả ngôn từ hoa mỹ cũng khó phô diễn hết.

Cách viết mô tả sản phẩm hiệu quảKhi chụp ảnh sản phẩm, Seller hãy tập trung vào việc thể hiện:

  • Chất lượng: Bắt nét và màu sắc sống động để thể hiện trọn từng chi tiết nhỏ, chất liệu và kết cấu tinh tế. Đối với quần áo, hãy thể hiện sự vừa vặn và tôn dáng trên cơ thể người mẫu.
  • Công dụng: Thay vì chụp sản phẩm rời rạc trên nền trắng, Seller hãy cho thấy cách mà sản phẩm được ứng dụng trong thực tế. Điều này giúp khách hàng dễ hình dung hơn về công năng và mục đích sử dụng của sản phẩm.
  • Phong cách: Đừng quên lồng ghép cá tính thương hiệu vào ảnh thông qua lựa chọn thẩm mỹ và cách bố cục. Để hình ảnh “nói" lên tất cả!

Thêm video vào trang sản phẩm cũng là một công cụ hữu ích bởi video có thể mang đến cái nhìn bao quát 360° mà ảnh tĩnh khó có được. Thế nên Seller hãy sử dụng video để phô diễn form dáng, kích thước, và hướng dẫn sử dụng chi tiết nhé. 

Mách nhỏ: Merchize hỗ trợ quay chụp theo yêu cầu của Seller, vì vậy hãy tận dụng lợi thế cực lớn này để mang đến những hình ảnh và video chất lượng, sắc nét cho khách hàng nhé.

Nội dung hình ảnh hấp dẫn chính là thứ gần gũi nhất với việc trải nghiệm sản phẩm trực tiếp. Hãy “thổi hồn" vào từng pixel và truyền tải cảm giác háo hức sở hữu sản phẩm tuyệt vời qua ấn tượng thị giác nhé! 

Kết luận

Hy vọng rằng bài viết trên đã giúp Seller khám phá cách viết mô tả sản phẩm hiệu quả. Hãy không ngừng sáng tạo, đặt mình vào vị trí khách hàng và viết về sản phẩm bằng tất cả niềm đam mê để phần mô tả này trở nên hữu ích và thu hút khách hàng! 

Và nếu bạn đã sẵn sàng, hãy bắt đầu sự nghiệp kinh doanh Print On Demand thắng lợi rực rỡ với Merchize ngay thôi!  

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Is there an ideal structure for TikTok content? Wed, 06 Dec 2023 08:22:59 +0000 Short answer: Yes. There is an ideal structure and there are essential, must-have elements for TikTok content as well. With an unprecedentedly large volume of users and merchants in every niche, every industry...

The post Is there an ideal structure for TikTok content? appeared first on Print on Demand & Fulfillment Service.

Short answer: Yes.

There is an ideal structure and there are essential, must-have elements for TikTok content as well.

With an unprecedentedly large volume of users and merchants in every niche, every industry possible, sellers always look at TikTok as a highly potential source of revenue. And the first step to establishing a brand presence on TikTok is the creative.

So what should be an ideal creative on TikTok? Generally, any basic creative on TikTok would have all these: hook, key message, CTA, concept, and audio.

tiktok ideal structure


TikTok is a platform focused on short content and its users are particularly distractible with short attention spans. The first 3-6 seconds of the creative is very valuable if you want to capture the attention of the viewers. Start your TikTok creatives with an impressive hook that highlights product benefits and values.

For example, you’re selling a mug that is ideally a gift for wedding anniversaries. Your hook must focus on this theme right away. “My wife cried when I gave her this gift for our anniversary" – you can put this hook right at the beginning of your video before continuing to introduce the products.

tiktok hook


Key Message

tiktok key message

After capturing viewers’ attention, the creative must continue to deliver a clear, straightforward key message to the target audience so that they will remember the product details easily. Another important thing is the key message must be connected to the product as seamlessly as possible, to build trust in the audience.

In addition, because the creative is very short, sellers should avoid cramming too many messages in one creative, making it difficult for the viewers to understand every message.

Call-to-action (CTA)

Tiktok CTA

Always end the creative with a CTA, for example, “Don’t miss out!" or “Check this out in the store below!". An effective, clear CTA will help viewers to know what the next step to take and prompt them to do a certain action, like, purchasing your product, for example.

To make your CTA even more powerful, don’t forget to stress the product’s unique selling points, or the special offers of the campaign, for example, “freeship" or “discount" to better emphasize the messages of the creative. In case a gift code is included, don’t forget to use a gift code sticker.


tiktok trending audio

Audio is a must when it comes to TikTok creative. Audio on TikTok can be categorized into 2 types: song and user-generated sound.

Commercial songs

When choosing a song as the audio of the creative, the sellers can use the trending ones or the ones that match with the creative. However, it should be noted that famous, trendy songs are copyrighted on TikTok. Therefore, sellers must avoid having these in their creative nor should they use this creative to run ads.

Sellers can find loyalty-free, commercial songs on TikTok at Audio Library: Pre-cleared Music For Organic Content. In addition, if the songs you want to use have not been updated in the library, you can use the remixed/ slowed/ reverb version of the creative to avoid copyright issues.

User-generated sound

Trending sounds from the users/ creators themselves are also a good source for sellers to produce creative. To get ahold of the trending sounds in different countries around the world, creators can find more at TikTok Creative Center, and then choose the market to find the suitable sound.


All of the above elements must be consistently mixed together with a certain concept. Especially for print on demand TikTok, the effective concepts are not the ones with complex storytelling or transition, but rather those that display the meaning of the design, for example, unboxing, review, and packaging videos.

In addition, to create a proper creative, sellers must think about other factors, such as captions, text, transition, filter, and so on when editing the video to produce the best results.

Tips to boost your TikTok content

Other than creating creative content for running ads, you can also create other related content to make the most of the organic reach on this platform. That’s why besides how to draft conversion-focused content, you should also expand to other types of content.

There are a few tips that you can apply to maximize the performance of your TikTok content in general.

tiktok promote tips

>>> Also read: Crack the Code to Create High-Impact TikTok Creatives For Print on Demand Business

Post regularly

Basically, TikTok’s algorithm won’t look at your video performance over time. It doesn’t matter that much if you have high-performing videos in the past. Each video posted by any user has a fair chance of getting viral.

So why does it help to post regularly? The reason is that the more you post, the more chances you stand to go viral.
Posting regularly also helps you to get familiar with how TikTok works and how to create content that users care about.

Another reason for posting more frequently is that each day goes by, and there are many new trends to pop up on this platform. To hop on the latest trends and strike while the iron is hot (on average, a trend on TikTok will die out in three or five days), it is important to get updated and post your video regularly.

Post at the right time

Timing is also a key factor that decides the performance of your video. Ideally, you would want your video to reach as many viewers as possible and as soon as possible. The more viewers get to see your video, the better signal TikTok receives.

To get your video to reach more viewers, you should choose a time when your target audience is mostly online and active on TikTok.

If your niche content is meant for adults within the 25-35 age group, don’t post videos during the 9-to-5 timeline. These audiences aren’t likely to be active and browsing TikTok during working hours because most of them are probably at work.

Also, pay attention to the time zone of your customers’ location and post accordingly. Don’t post when your customers are still asleep in other parts of the world.

Other than choosing the time based on your target audience’s behavior, you can also select the peak usage hours when the engagement rate is high. According to some research, Tuesdays at 9 AM, Thursdays at 12 PM, and Fridays at 5 AM. are the best times to post on TikTok.

Interact with your viewers and followers

An important indicator for TikTok to evaluate your content is engagement. In other words, TikTok takes it as a positive signal if your content gets comments, likes, and shares and rewards high-interaction content with even more views.

To encourage engagement with viewers, don’t forget to take your time to interact with your viewers and respond to their comments. Other than interacting in your own content, it is also recommended to interact with other users and their posts. Duet or Stitch are two useful features that you use to engage with other users and creators on this platform.

To support POD sellers in creating good TikTok creatives, Ecomdy – the Official TikTok Marketing Partner in Vietnam – is running a program that supports producing high-converting videos for TikTok – called Podia, which you can see in more details here

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Crack the Code to Create High-Impact TikTok Creatives For Print on Demand Business Thu, 23 Nov 2023 03:58:54 +0000 TikTok is a promising platform for advertising, especially print on demand business. Get the best tips for create high-performing creatives for TikTok ads.

The post Crack the Code to Create High-Impact TikTok Creatives For Print on Demand Business appeared first on Print on Demand & Fulfillment Service.


Why POD sellers should invest in TikTok?

Those who start building brands on TikTok will probably know the phrase “Don’t make ads, make TikToks.” Creatives play an important–make-or-break even–role in building a brand on this platform. You can spend substantial amounts of money on advertising. However, if your creatives are neither interesting nor suitable for the platform, your brand isn’t likely to succeed on TikTok.

So, what makes a good TikTok creative and why does it matter?

Tiktok for print on demand


TikTok is unique thanks to its virality – the rate at which a keyword, a hashtag, a product, or a video on TikTok becomes well known in a community, a nation, or even globally. A viral creative doesn’t have to be too flashy but should be proper and creative enough.

Virality on TikTok is a good place for merchants to start creating trending content that attracts viewers and interaction.

Let’s take a recent example into account – the phrase “Roman Empire" which has accumulated 1.2B views up to now. You might think to yourself: “How the hell would TikTokers go crazy about the Roman Empire?" Well, this phrase doesn’t refer to the actual “Roman Empire” but something that a person is obsessed with and usually thinks about (just like some people are obsessed about the Roman Empire and how everything can remind them of this ancient empire).

Just by using this phrase and idea in your creatives, you will be able to capture the attention of TikTok users and create a constant connection with them!

Audience’s trust

TikTok always prioritizes creatives that are original and highly authentic. Even though merchants can always use stock videos from loyalty-free resources like Pexels, TikTok always prefers videos that are organic, self-filmed, showcasing real products, real people, and real emotions. Such content tends to perform better and can help increase the audience’s trust and conversion rate as well.

Multiplatform use

Vertical short videos with the standard ratio of 16:9 are super popular now thanks to the success of TikTok. Video following this format can be used on TikTok as well as repurposed to post on other platforms, such as Facebook Reel, Instagram Reel, stories, or Snapchat.

With the right investment and tweaking for each platform, this content strategy can help merchants spread their presence across different platforms, gain momentum, and increase revenue.

Better ads performance

Running ads on TikTok is not about pouring as much money as possible and hoping it works out. The success of your ad—its distribution and conversions—depends on various factors, including your target audience, product, and the quality of your landing page. The most important factor that affects ad performances is the creative.

A creative that is properly filmed and already performs well on the platform will help improve ad performance metrics and increase the conversion rate.

TikTok content tips for POD sellers: What to remember?

TikTok is the best platform when it comes to triggering purchasing decisions, with the most tangible proof being the hashtag “TikTokMadeMeBuyIt – including videos from creators all over the world sharing about their experiences and purchases from TikTok. This hashtag has accumulated more than 10 billion views worldwide (figures from May 2022), indicating the importance of TikTok to the audience when making a purchase.

Another survey from Kantar also indicated that 43% of TikTok users have bought something from TikTok, thanks to the platform’s recommendation.

These figures indicate that TikTok is a major touchpoint in the customer journey. To make the most out of this highly potential breeding ground for marketing, businesses including POD sellers are shifting their focus to creating content on this platform.

However, not everyone can succeed on TikTok. Why? Because they don’t have a tight grip on the best practices used on the platform. So, what are the winning keys for print-on-demand sellers to win on TikTok?

Understand your audience

Even a good creative won’t make it on TikTok if it’s not relevant to the audience. Before going all in on the fancy setup or complex editing, the first thing you should pay attention to is finding out who is your audience, what they like/dislike, and what triggers their emotions to make a purchase.

For example, if you’re selling a mug with the printed text “World’s Best Daughter", chances are the parents are the ones who buy the product, not the daughter. On your Tiktok video, you should limit the use of trendy content, slang, noisy music, and fast transitions, because your target audience (in this case, the parents) is not fond of these types of content, and isn’t likely to make it to the end of the video, not to mention making the desired purchase.

Follow trending content and use hashtags

TikTok is where lots of major trends proliferate. “Why is Roman Empire hot recently?", “What is delulu?" – these are just a fraction of the trends emerging from TikTok.

Researching and applying these trends will help the creative reach its audience organically, resonating with the “relatable" feeling and spreading the brand image.

Use real products for shooting video

Print-on-demand products are all produced, packaged, and shipped by a third party – the print-on-demand supplier. That’s why most print-on-demand sellers don’t have access to the physical products.

Even so, to create convincing, high-conversion creatives, you can’t rely on mockup images alone. You can order sample products from your print-on-demand providers to film your own product videos. However, this option might be a bit complicated and time-consuming due to the process of making orders and shipping.

Another better and more convenient option is to use media services or ask for support from your print-on-demand providers. At Merchize, we also provide special assistance for our sellers to get the best shots of their products.

Setup and edit

To create videos that are relevant to the viewers from your target markets, there should be a lot of thought going into the setup. How to set it up? What type of decorations should be used? How to adjust the lighting? All of this should be considered carefully to create videos that make the viewers feel familiar and resonate with.

The majority of POD sellers all want their creative on TikTok to reach an international audience,

particularly those in America and Europe – the major markets for print-on-demand products. Even if you’re not located in these places, make sure the background or setup of your videos is similar to the scenes in these countries.

In addition, to build trust with the audience, your videos should look well-edited. Even though professional editing is not needed, some sort of editing, even simple, is a must-do for sellers when making creatives, maybe with quick and easy apps like CapCut.

Understand the platform

Any creative will be thoroughly screened by TikTok. For the video to be distributed properly on TikTok, creators and merchants must be very detail-oriented when filming the creative to adhere to TikTok’s strict Community Guidelines, for example, no violent scene, no third-party logo, and no gun-shaped objects, etc.

For example, a character in your creative is wearing a bag that contains an uncensored Nike logo. This creative will most likely be classified as “copyright violations", especially when you use this creative for advertising, even though you are not intentionally promoting a Nike product in your creative.

Above are some tips that, brands and creators, especially POD sellers, must be aware of when starting with TikTok.

In case you’re still having a hard time starting with TikTok and seeking detailed consultation, you can take into account Podia, Merchize’s partners. and  With this collaboration, we expect to help sellers produce high-converting videos, set up effective advertising campaigns on TikTok, and utilize this platform to boost sales up.

Ecomdy x Merchize Support sellers on their TikTok journey!

We tackle seller challenges head-on, crafting compelling videos and launching powerful ad campaigns. Embark on your TikTok journey with Ecomdy and Merchize and elevate your sales game on TikTok with our expert support! 🚀 Find out more details about this offer here!

The post Crack the Code to Create High-Impact TikTok Creatives For Print on Demand Business appeared first on Print on Demand & Fulfillment Service.

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Polyester vs. Cotton: Which is Best for Your Business? Thu, 28 Sep 2023 08:28:12 +0000 Explore the Polyester vs. Cotton debate for your Print on Demand venture. Understand costs, durability & sustainability with Merchize

The post Polyester vs. Cotton: Which is Best for Your Business? appeared first on Print on Demand & Fulfillment Service.

Jumping into the print on demand world is a super business is an exciting venture, with a bunch of choices that’ll shape how your brand turns out. At the heart of these decisions lies the big decision of fabric. The bedrock of your products, the fabric, not only influences aesthetics but also user comfort and print quality. Polyester and cotton emerge as frontrunners in the world of print on demand, each carving out its own niche based on its distinct characteristics.  Even though both are awesome in their own ways, you’ve gotta dig in and figure out which one fits your dream best.

In this blog post, we’ll take a comprehensive look at polyester and cotton, comparing their properties, printability, durability, sustainability, and cost. With every aspect under the microscope, our aim is to offer a clear view to help you navigate this important choice. Plus, we’ll throw in some handy tips and insights, making sure you’re well-prepared to select the right fabric for your burgeoning print on demand business.

Polyester vs Cotton: Introduction

Cotton and polyester, often seen as the main players of the clothing scene, have been used in wardrobes, homes, and other places for decades. Their worldwide popularity isn’t just by luck, but because of the special features each one has. However, understanding the ins and outs of these fabrics is key if you want to make smart choices for different uses.

Polyester: The Resilient Synthetic

Emerging from the realms of petroleum, polyester marks its dominance as the world’s leading synthetic textile. This fabric has seamlessly woven its way into countless consumer goods and industrial setups. At its core, polyester is a polymer, rich in compounds that fall within the ester functional group. PIt’s mostly made from something called ethylene—a part of oil, but you can get it from other places too—polyester is known for being strong, lasting a long time, and having great resistance to wrinkles. Its water-repellent nature and swift drying capacity further accentuate its appeal. However, one must be cautious, as polyester’s reduced breathability can sometimes lead to heat entrapment.

Polyester Fabric

Cotton: The Natural Comfort

Derived from the cotton plant, cotton is nature’s gift to the textile world. With its foundation in pure cellulose, the charm of cotton lies in its innate softness, breathability, and remarkable absorbency. This absorbency doesn’t just arise from its natural structure but is also a byproduct of its meticulous processing. While it stands as a relatively affordable and easy-to-maintain fabric, people sometimes struggle with how it easily gets wrinkled and its tendency to shrink, especially in dryers.

Cotton fabric

Environmental Footprints: A Side Note

Though you should know that making and using polyester, since it’s synthetic, has caused some eco worries over time because it can pollute our environment. On the flip side, cotton, since it’s all-natural, usually is kinder to the planet, but growing it can use a lot of water.

As fashion moves forward, getting the little details about fabrics like cotton and polyester is super important. Whether it’s for clothes, making our homes look cool, or for specific job uses, matching the type of cloth with what you want can totally change the end result.

The difference between cotton and polyester overview

Here is a table that summarizes the key differences between cotton and polyester:

Property Polyester Cotton
Fiber type Synthetic Natural
Absorbency Low High
Breathability Good Excellent
Wrinkle resistance Excellent Poor
Durability Very good Good
Sustainability Low High
Cost Relatively low Relatively high

Printability of Polyester and Cotton

Both polyester and cotton can be printed on with high-quality results. However, there are some key differences between the two fabrics in terms of printability.

Polyester: The Printing Challenge

Polyester, with its synthetic origins, is inherently hydrophobic—meaning it repels water. This very characteristic can make printing a tad challenging. As fabric experts often say, poly’s build can create fiber balls and, sometimes, loose threads. This, combined with its water-repelling side, means that traditional inks might not stick smoothly to its surface. However, today’s tech stepped up! Cool inks and new ways have come up, making sure that poly gets decorated with bright, awesome prints even with those first hurdles.

Cotton: The Printer’s Friend

In stark contrast, cotton welcomes prints with open arms. Its hydrophilic nature, which translates to water-absorbing, ensures that inks find a conducive environment to latch on. This makes the printing process relatively straightforward. But, there’s a catch. Cotton’s natural propensity means that post-print, it’s susceptible to shrinkage and wrinkle formation. So, while the first printing might be a breeze, you have got to be careful after to keep the design’s quality and make it last.

Durability of Polyester and Cotton

Durability matters when you’re picking a fabric, especially for items that’ll be used a lot or in tough spots. Both polyester and cotton can last, but they have their good and bad.

Durability of Polyester and Cotton

Polyester: The Epitome of Endurance

Polyester earns accolades for its sheer resilience. Its synthetic origins imbue it with qualities that make it stand the test of time. More resistant to wear and tear, polyester doesn’t just promise longevity—it also offers an impressive defense against the everyday nuisances of stains and wrinkles. So, if you want fabric that’s low maintenance and can handle daily life, polyester’s a winner.

Cotton: Gentle and Graceful

Nature’s very own, cotton, is a testament to softness. Its fibers offer an unparalleled tactile experience, making it a favorite for those who prioritize comfort. However, every silver lining has its cloud. Cotton’s softness comes with a susceptibility to challenges. Cotton can get small with heat, and its colors might fade quicker than you’d like, especially if it gets too much sun or strong detergents. In essence, while it brings comfort to the table, it demands a tad more care in return.

A Comparative Glimpse

At a glance, while polyester boasts superior durability, cotton woos with its skin-friendly embrace. Both fabrics come with their set of pros and cons, and the choice between them often hinges on the specific needs of a project. Are you looking for something that stands up to rigorous use? Polyester might be your ally. If comfort and a gentle touch are the priority, cotton takes center stage.

Want to dive deeper into the world of fabrics? Explore our next article, “Best Shirt Material" to make an informed choice!

Sustainability of Polyester and Cotton

Sustainability is a growing concern for consumers, and many people are looking for ways to reduce their environmental impact. When picking out fabrics, it is important to consider the sustainability of both the fiber itself and how it’s made.

Sustainability of Polyester and Cotton

Polyester: Unraveling its Green Score


  • Durability Advantage: Its longer lifespan, compared to cotton, suggests less frequent replacements and theoretically less waste. However, the whole lasting thing depends on if the clothing is good quality, since a lot of cheap polyester material is just meant for a short time.
  • Lower Land & Water Footprint: Unlike cotton, polyester doesn’t necessitate extensive land and water utilization.


  • Carbon Footprint: Originating from fossil fuels, so making polyester is responsible for a huge chunk (like 40%) of fashion’s carbon mess.
  • Chemical Concerns: Making it has a mix of chemicals, and some are kind of nasty. This can mess up our water.
  • Microplastic Menace: Washing polyester garments releases microplastics, which eventually find their way into aquatic ecosystems, affecting marine life and, indirectly, humans.
  • Recycling Challenges: Though technological advancements have been made, turning polyester back into something useful is tricky.
  • Decomposition Dilemma: This type of polyester won’t break down easily; think about waiting for 200 years!

Cotton: Nature’s Offering with Caveats


  • Natural and Renewable: Since it’s from a plant, cotton is renewable and doesn’t rely on fossil fuels.
  • Recyclability: Cotton garments can be recycled with relative ease.
  • Biodegradability: Unlike many synthetics, cotton naturally decomposes over time.


  • Pesticide Predicament: Cotton farming consumes 6% of global pesticides and 16% of insecticides, leading to significant water pollution.
  • Water Guzzler: Cotton is notoriously water-intensive; a single t-shirt can demand up to 2,700 liters.
  • Soil Degradation: Intensive cotton farming can degrade the soil, making it unsuitable for other crops.
  • Potential Non-biodegradability: If cotton is chemically treated or mixed with synthetics, its biodegradability can be compromised.

Polyester vs. Cotton: Navigating the Sustainability Labyrinth

The sustainability debate between polyester and cotton is far from black and white. Both have their merits and pitfalls. Even though cotton, being all natural, seems like the go-to green choice, we can’t forget its farming issues. And yeah, polyester’s planet problems are big, but there are new ideas like reused polyester, made from old plastic bottles, giving better green options.

Cost of Polyester and Cotton

Polyester’s price and cotton can change based on lots of things, like fabric’s quality, the kind of outfit being made, and the clothing brand. But usually, polyester is cheaper than cotton.

Polyester is cheaper than cotton

Polyester: The Economical Marvel

Factors Contributing to Polyester’s Cost-Efficiency:

  • Nature of Origin: Being a synthetic fiber, polyester’s starting materials—mostly petroleum—are abundant and, in many contexts, cheaper to source compared to natural fibers.
  • Ease of Production: Polyester’s manufacturing process, though chemical-intensive, is streamlined, making it relatively cost-effective. In contrast, cotton’s cultivation demands extensive land, water, and labor resources.
  • Durability Dividends: Clothes made from polyester usually last longer than cotton ones. Over time, this means you spend less since you don’t have to buy new stuff as often.

Cotton: Quality with a Price

Factors That Can Elevate Cotton’s Cost:

  • Quality Gradient: High-quality cotton, especially kind called organic cotton (grown without fake bug-killers or plant-killers), can be pricier. The added cost is a reflection of sustainable agricultural practices and the resultant product quality.
  • Design Complexity: Cotton’s cool because you can do a lot with it, like super detailed designs or new fabric tricks. Of course, that means you gotta pay more for it.
  • Branding Influence: Established brands, recognized for their quality and trustworthiness, can price their cotton garments at a premium, given the brand equity they’ve built over time.

Market Dynamics: A Brief Insight

The financial nuances of polyester and cotton aren’t solely dictated by their inherent attributes. External market forces play a role too. Cotton, being a globally traded commodity, sees its prices swayed by futures trading. Meanwhile, polyester’s price structure is often influenced by trade policies and relations, particularly in countries like the U.S.

Choosing the Right Fabric for Your Print on Demand Business

The cost of polyester and cotton can change based on a bunch of reasons, including the quality of the fabric, the type of garment being made, and the brand of the clothing. However, usually, polyester is usually less expensive than cotton.

Product Type and What You’re Going For

  • Sportswear & Activewear: If your business leans towards crafting activewear or sportswear, polyester is the best pick. With its ability to pull sweat away, how long it lasts, and its stretchiness, it provides the use that active folks are looking for.
  •  Everyday and Chill Clothes: On the other hand, if you’re thinking of a line that feels comfy, soft, and has a chill vibe, cotton is your best bet. Its natural breeziness and soft feel make it a top choice for everyday clothes.

Figuring Out Your Ideal Customer

  •  Eco-Conscious Consumers: As environmental concerns gain momentum, a segment of consumers actively seeks sustainable options. If you want to attract these earth-loving folks, cotton, especially the organic kind, is what you need. Its natural roots and the fact that it breaks down easily align with eco-friendly picks.
  • Bargain Hunters: For consumers who prioritize durability, ease of maintenance, and saving a buck, polyester is where it’s at. It’s tough nature combined with its usually lower price makes it a great deal.

Budget Considerations

  • Starting Cost: When it comes to price tags, polyester usually is easier on the wallet, mostly ’cause it’s man-made and they make it super efficiently. This is super handy for businesses that are just kicking off or are on a shoestring budget.
  • Future Gains: While the upfront cost matters, you also have got to think about the gains down the road. Splurging a bit on quality, be it polyester or cotton, can lead to happier customers, them coming back, and a cooler brand image.

In the complex world of fabrics, getting the differences between polyester and cotton is a must if you wanna rock in the print on demand business. From toughness and price to being eco-friendly and comfy, each material has its perks. Budding business folks should think about these things before deciding. Partnering with trusted platforms like Merchize, a leading Print On Demand and Fulfillment service, can further streamline the journey, ensuring a seamless store launch and operation.

The post Polyester vs. Cotton: Which is Best for Your Business? appeared first on Print on Demand & Fulfillment Service.

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How to segment your email marketing list? Thu, 28 Sep 2023 04:29:22 +0000 1. Why is email segmentation important? Segmentation is the key to a successful email marketing campaign. By categorizing your customer bases into different groups, marketers can create highly targeted email marketing attempts for...

The post How to segment your email marketing list? appeared first on Print on Demand & Fulfillment Service.

1. Why is email segmentation important?

email segmentation

Segmentation is the key to a successful email marketing campaign. By categorizing your customer bases into different groups, marketers can create highly targeted email marketing attempts for better results.

  • Harness the power of personalization: You can do more than just add their name to your email and call it a day. With segmentation, you can tailor your email content to specifically address individual preferences and characteristics. Through highly personalized content, you can create a stronger connection with your audience.
  • Increase the engagement rate: The key to pushing up your email engagement rate is to speak to their concerns or desires which might vary widely across your customer base. But after you segment your groups and identify each group’s interests and expectations, you can create email content that customers would actually open, click, and buy.
  • Increase deliverability, and reduce unsubscribe and spam complaints: If you are sending irrelevant mass emails to a large group of customers, it is likely that your email will end up in the spam box. Even when your email makes it to your customer’s inbox, as just they found out that this little email has nothing to do with their situation and interest, they will definitely hit the unsubscribe button. Keeping your mail strategy highly targeted with segmentation will help you avoid spam complaints and get more efficient.
  • Optimize retention rate: Email marketing is the best way to connect with customers who have bought from you. By segmenting these old customers, you will be able to promote the right products to the right customers, hence, increasing the retention rate of your store.
  • Increase conversion rate: By increasing engagement, utilizing personalization, and improving relevance, segmentation will help to boost your conversion rate after all.
  • Increase ROI: With carefully planned email campaigns, you will be able to get the best results for each email you end. It also means more efficiency and better financial returns for your marketing efforts.

2. How to segment your email list

There are different approaches to segmenting your customer base. Each approach will help you achieve different goals. Now let’s see how each type of segmentation can boost your business.

Types of email segmentation

Segment based on demographics

How to segment: Divide your email list based on demographic characteristics such as age, gender, location, income, education, occupation, or organization type.

For example, you can segment B2B customers and B2C customers into two groups. Obviously, for B2B, smaller offers on retail prices aren’t what they are looking for. Instead, they will be more interested in exclusive details for bulk orders or business-centric tutorial sessions or webinars

When to use: Demographic segmentation is one of the most common ways to group your customer base. If you have already figured out your customer personas based on demographic factors, you can segment your email list accordingly.

Why you should use this: 

This method is quite straightforward and easy to execute. With basic information about the customers, you can categorize them into different segments.

People in the same demographic group tend to share similar characteristics, behavior, and preferences. Depending on these characteristics, you can easily curtail your email to be more relevant to each demographic group.

Segment based on engagement

How to segment: Group subscribers based on their email engagement levels, including opens, clicks, and other interactions with content. You can also expand track engagement metrics beyond emails, on other channels for example, on social or on your website.

When to use: After running your email marketing campaigns for a while, you can narrow down your email list based on their engagement.

You should focus your efforts on subscribers with high open rates. Treat them like your loyal, important customers. Keep them updated with the latest product releases, and provide them with the hottest promotions and deals.

While inactive subscribers are not at the center of your plan, you should occasionally send emails to re-engage with them and pull them back in.

It is also highly recommended to send a gentle reminder along with incentives to customers who abandon carts.

Why you should use this: Segment your list based on their engagement now if you don’t want to waste your time and resources on customers who don’t seem to be interested in your emails. By focusing on those that really engage with your brand, you can rest assured that your email is delivered to the right customers and you can remain a healthy email list.

Segment based on customer lifecycle

How to segment: Divide your list based on where subscribers are in their customer journeys, such as new leads, first-time buyers, repeat customers, or loyal advocates.

  • Personalized Onboarding: Welcome new subscribers and guide them through their first interactions with your brand.
  • Nurture Leads: Send targeted content to move prospects down the sales funnel.
  • Reward Loyalty: Acknowledge and reward your most loyal customers.

When to use: Employ lifecycle segmentation when you want to optimize your customer journey in each stage and assist them through your funnel as well as increase the retention rate.

Why you should use this: Customers at different points of their journey with your brand will have different expectations and knowledge of your brand. By delivering the right content that caters what their needs at different stages, from onboarding, nurturing, to when they become your loyal customers, you will be able to cater to their needs and move them through the sales funnel.

Segment based on purchase history

How to segment: Segment subscribers based on their past purchase history, including the types of products they’ve considered or bought, their purchase frequency, and their total spending.

  • You can target the group of your best customers who purchase often and have higher-value orders. This is the most important segment in your list. Cater these customers with the latest product releases, offer exclusive details, or even hold special events for these VIP customers.
  • You can promote and cross-sell products to incentivize repeat purchases by recommending relevant or complementary products based on their previous purchase.
  • You can offer discounts or promotions for items subscribers have shown interest in.
  • You can implement loyalty programs or exclusive offers for repeat, loyal buyers.

Purchase history segmentation centers around customers’ buying habits, allowing you to drive more sales and revenue.

When to use: Use purchase history segmentation when you want to target subscribers based on their buying habits, including the types of products they’ve purchased and their purchase frequency. It’s valuable for upselling, cross-selling, and customer retention strategies.

Why you should use this:

This is one of the best ways to identify the most valuable group of customers to your business and prune your email attempt to target the group of customers that can drive you the most revenue.

3. How to segment your email marketing list step by step

how to segment your list

Decide your business goals

Before setting out to sort out your email list, you need to make sure that the way you segment your customers is aligned with your business strategy and goals.

Based on your goals, you can now identify the email groups that matter the most to your business. With focused and strategic segmentation, you will be able to make your emails more efficient and aligned with your goals.

It should be noted that with each goal, you should pick up a few relevant metrics to measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Select the right segmentation criteria

With a clear vision of what you want to achieve with your email marketing, you can segment your email list accordingly.

For example, if your business goal is to increase your retention rate, you can segment your customer list based on their purchase history and curtail your email with products that are relevant to each group of customers.

Collect customer data

After identifying the right segmentation strategy that would help you reach your goals, what you should do next is figure out how to collect the customer data and segment data as you wish.

Email marketing tools will allow you to collect data related to customers’ engagement and interactions with your email. For example, you will be able to identify people who open your email and people who click on your email. There are also a few other data points that you have already had access to.

If these data don’t include the metrics that match your goals, you can consider these two data-collecting methods:

  • Acquire trackable data: There are a few data points that can be collected technically but haven’t been converted into actionable data. You might need to seek help from development teams to pull in these data.
  • Request data directly from customers: With data points that you have no way to track, you will have to resort to finding the answer directly from your customers. You can do your gain this valuable data by using forms and surveys.

Also, don’t forget to require these data points in the first stage of your email collection funnel. For example, you can set up a simple form to ask your customers questions right after they register on your website.

Create segments

With all the data collected, you can now experiment and explore these data sets and create segments that matter to your business goals.

Create email marketing campaigns for selected segments

With each segment, you can create detailed email plans that cater to the specific needs and interests of the customers within a segment.

In your email plan, you should clarify the types of content as well as the frequency of your emails, along with other relevant details.

One important part that you shouldn’t ignore is figuring out how to automate your email flows. Automating your emails will help to organize your workflows efficiently and make sure that you won’t miss any important emails.

Measure results and refine

Your email marketing plan doesn’t end once your emails are sent. In fact, a large part of email marketing has to do with measuring results and refining your email plans.

Keep track of metrics like open rate, bounce rate, place order rate, and other engagement metrics to know what content keeps customers engaged more. It will help you to gain important insights that can be applied to improve your future campaigns.

Improvement can be done through:

  • Refine your segment definition
  • Run A/B test: One of the best benefits of segmentation is A/B testing. Closely monitoring your email A/B testings with different customer segments and observing the results, you will be able to better understand the behavior and preferences of each group, and better your email marketing strategy.
  • Adjust your content, email title, and other elements in your email.


The post How to segment your email marketing list? appeared first on Print on Demand & Fulfillment Service.

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Branded Dropshipping: The Complete Guide for 2024 Tue, 19 Sep 2023 03:50:10 +0000 Explore the ins and outs of branded dropshipping, from its significant benefits over regular dropshipping to actionable steps for establishing a successful brand. Dive into our comprehensive guide, and gear up for a prosperous dropshipping journey. Success is closer than you think!

The post Branded Dropshipping: The Complete Guide for 2024 appeared first on Print on Demand & Fulfillment Service.

In the big world of online shopping, branded dropshipping is a game changer, changing up the usual way businesses work. Basically, dropshipping has always been an enticing model, allowing people to jump into the world of online retail without the stock limits. Yet, as the market gets crowded, getting standing out compared to competitors becomes a challenge. That’s where branded dropshipping enters, offering a cool mix of easy dropshipping with the personal brand vibe. Jump into this article to dig into details of branded dropshipping, from its amazing perks to handy tips to establish a standout brand in the online market.

What is branded dropshipping?

Dropshipping is basically a simplified approach to the e-commerce model. Normally, an online store would need to stock, store, and ship the products they wish to sell, which can be a pain because of extra costs and the headache of not selling items. But dropshipping takes care of those problems by turning online stores into a place to show stuff rather than a storage facility.

With dropshipping, when someone buys something, the store simply passes the order details to a third-party supplier or dropshipper. This partner takes care of making or getting, storing, and then sending the stuff right to the buyer. What’s cool is that online stores only purchase a product once they’ve already made a sale.

But with more and more online shops popping up, just being a dropshipper might not provide the competitive edge businesses seek. That’s where brand-focused dropshipping jumps in to elevate things up.

What is branded dropshipping?

Branded dropshipping builds upon the foundation of traditional dropshipping by introducing a unique element – branding. Instead of selling items under the original maker’s name, online stores sling these goods with their own brand vibe. This ain’t just about changing the name. It’s about doing things that make the product the shop’s name:

  • Custom Packing: The dropshipper makes sure stuff’s packed in materials that shout the online shop’s vibe. This can be as simple as using packaging with the shop’s logo or going all out with personalized boxes that match the shop’s look and feel.
  • Sticking Brand Tags: Some dropshippers don’t stop at packing; they slap brand tags right on the goods. So, when someone gets the item, the first name they see is the shop’s, not the first maker’s.
  • Personalized Product Touches: Sometimes, the branding’s all over the product. The shop’s logo or name could be stamped, printed, or even stitched onto it, making it feel all special.

What makes brand-focused dropshipping stand out, and why everyone’s digging it, is its built-in perks. This way, online shops can stand out in a packed market and build a tight relationship with their shoppers. Linking products to a specific brand makes them look more valuable, letting shops charge a bit more, which often means better earnings.

Plus, since people often think branded stuff’s top-notch and reliable, shops using brand-focused dropshipping get more trust and loyal shoppers. In a world where standing out is the name of the game, brand-focused dropshipping looks like the best fix for shops that want to leave their mark.

Benefits of Branded Dropshipping

Branded dropshipping isn’t just another online shopping trend. It’s a big change of the dropshipping game that brings in lots of perks. Let’s dive deep into the cool stuff branded dropshipping adds compared to the old-school dropshipping:

  • Happy Customers: One of the big wins of branded dropshipping is the chance to make a close connection with folks who shop with you. When they buy and get stuff that’s got your brand’s special touch, it feels personal, turning random shoppers into brand fans. This connection ensures repeat business and significantly boosts customer retention rates.
  • Decreased Return Rates: With your branded style, how they see the value and quality of the stuff you sell often feels better. As a result, businesses experience fewer return requests, as customers are more satisfied with their branded purchases.
  • Unique Selling Point: In the crazy world of online shopping, having your own vibe is like having a big, shiny sign, making sure you’re not lost in the crowd. Branded dropshipping helps you find your spot, making it harder for competitors to mimic your offerings
  • Bigger Profits: By going all branded, businesses can command higher price points. Folks often don’t mind paying extra for stuff from brands they connect with, thinking branded stuff is top-notch and trustworthy.
  • Building Trust: A brand isn’t just a cool picture or a word; it’s like a handshake saying, “We got this." Over time, always delivering the goods means folks will trust you more. In the long run, having folks trust you is like having a gold mine.
  • Doing It Your Way: Branded dropshipping lets you call the shots. From picking the box it comes in to choosing the sticker on it or even changing up the product a bit, you decide how you wanna show up. This keeps things fresh and the same wherever folks see you.
  • Match What They Like: Some research by smallbiztrends said a whopping 71% of folks lean towards brands that feel right to them. Branded dropshipping lets businesses tell their stories and what they stand for, making sure it fits what your folks believe.
  • Legal Safety: Venturing into branded dropshipping emphasizes the importance of being original and avoiding infringements. This conscious effort keeps businesses away from the pitfalls of selling copyrighted or counterfeit products, ensuring they remain on the right side of the law.

Benefits of Branded Dropshipping

How to Get Started with Branded Dropshipping?

Jumping into the world of branded dropshipping might seem daunting, but with the right steps, it’s a manageable and highly rewarding venture. If you’re considering taking this path, here’s an easy peasy guide to help you get started:

1. Choose a niche

Zeroing in on a niche isn’t just a step – it’s a pivotal decision that can steer the trajectory of your branded dropshipping journey. A well-chosen niche provides clarity, aligns with your brand vision, and connects with a specific audience eager for what you offer.

Importance of a Spot in Branded Dropshipping:

  • Focused Target Audience: A niche allows you to cater to a specialized market segment whose needs vibe closely with your offerings. This ensures more effective marketing and better sales numbers.
  • Spotting gaps: By picking a niche, you’re basically pointing out areas in the market that aren’t getting much attention. This magic ticket can be your ticket to growing your biz, as you meet a demand that many might be missing.

Strategizing Niche Selection:

  • Identifying Market Gaps: To make sure you’re diving into a promising niche, spend time checking out products. Get to know hot products, new market wants, and possible holes.
  • Use specific tools: Platforms like AutoDS have super-helpful stuff to help you out. From cool blogs that shed light on market dynamics to tools like their ‘Sell These Now’ YouTube Playlist, you’ve got some handy references. These tools give you the lowdown on hot dropshipping products, helping you pick from a bunch of options to find those that vibe with your brand and crowd.
  • Check out data: More than just tools, look at market reports, customer feedback, and check rivals. The more stuff you know, the better you can pick your niche.
  • Trust your gut: Research is great and all, but sometimes a gut feeling, with a bit of passion, can guide you to a niche that’s not just promising but also feels right for you.

2. Find a Supplier

Securing the right supplier is like finding a reliable backbone for your dropshipping brand. After picking your niche and deciding on the products, the next super important step is partnering with a supplier that fits with your brand ideas and ensures quality delivery. Let’s dissect how to approach this crucial phase:

Importance of the Right Supplier:

A perfect product is only as good as its consistent quality and timely delivery. Thus, a supplier can make or break your brand rep. They should be able to keep up the brand image you’re trying to create and stand out from competitors.

Qualities of an Ideal Supplier:

  • Dropshipping Friendly: They should understand the little details of the dropshipping model and be flexible to adapt accordingly.
  • Own Branding/Packaging: The supplier should offer services to manufacture or source products under your specifications and brand. Custom packaging boosts your brand image with every delivery.
  • Product Branding Options: From stamping your logo to custom tags, the supplier should make branding easy on the product.
  • Quick Delivery: Speedy delivery not only delights customers but builds trust in your brand.
  • Top-notch Quality: Consistent product quality is a must. It’s the real promise of your brand.

Exploring the Supplier Landscape:

  • Alibaba: Known for its big market, Alibaba offers a bunch of suppliers who can handle private label products. While they usually have a smallest order, with the right bargaining skills and a proven sales record, you can convince suppliers to support private label dropshipping.
  • CJDropshipping: A top pick for dropshippers, CJDropshipping doesn’t just support brand-focused projects but also offers unique services. From private labeling to custom packaging, they’ve got your back. Their finding cool products skill is especially handy, allowing dropshippers to bring in unique products not common in the market, leading to better profits.
  • Merchize: For those looking at the print-on-demand product, Merchize is an ideal and suitable location for businesses starting a business or expanding their services. We’re all about custom product creation, letting brands put their stamp on every item.

merchize storefront

Which ecommerce business model is right for you: dropshipping or print on demand?

3. Create a branded Store and Website

Here’s a step by step guide on how to make a cool store that stands out from the crowd.

  • Getting Started Your Unique Website: A unique website is more than just having a cool domain name. It’s a mix of user experience, design, and the vibe of your brand. Once your supplier is onboard, here’s how to lay the groundwork:
  • Design: Invest in a clean, user-friendly design. The easier it is for customers to find what they’re looking for and navigate through your website, the more likely they are to make a purchase.
  • Brand Identity: Reflect your brand’s ethos in every element, from the colors to the fonts. It’s not just about selling stuff but sharing your brand’s story.
  • Useful Info: Pack your site with cool info about your stuff, FAQs, and maybe even a blog. This not only makes you look legit but also gives your search a boost.

Making a Cool Logo with Hatchful:

One of the things people remember about a brand is its logo. A symbol, when done right, shows off your brand’s vibe in a flash. Here’s how to make an awesome logo with Hatchful, even if you’re not an artsy person:

  1. Sign Up: Navigate to and register with your email.
  2. Kickstart Your Journey: Click on the “Get Started" button. Dive into the world of logo creation.
  3. Define Your Business Space: Select an industry type that resonates with your brand. Be it Fashion, Tech, or Pets.
  4. Pick Your Zone: Choose an industry type that feels right for your brand. Be it Fashion, Tech, or Pets.
  5. Visual Style Selection: Go for a style that feels like your brand, from Modern to Futuristic or even Natural.
  6. Business Name and Slogan: Type in your business name. Throwing in a catchy phrase can make people remember you more.
  7. Usage Option: Tell them where you mostly wanna use the logo, like on your online store or Instagram.
  8. Choose and Edit: Hatchful will show you some logo choices based on what you said. Pick your fave, and mess around with it until it’s just right.
  9. Download and Deploy: When you love it, download the logo. It’ll be in your email, ready to be shown off everywhere!

4. Drive traffic to your website and Store

Building a branded store is just the start. The next big move is getting folks into your online space. With the huge online world, using many ways to get visitors can make sure that your brand pops and keeps getting folks in. Let’s dive deep into driving traffic to your brand’s vibe.

Choosing the Right Selling Platform

Your selling channel can make a significant difference in your brand’s visibility and credibility:

  • Customizable eCommerce Platforms: Platforms like Shopify and Wix are perfect if you want to tweak things. These let you design your website look that matches and amplifies your brand’s identity.
  • Marketplaces:  While sites like Amazon and eBay might seem less personalized, they offer vast audiences. Plus, they’ve got ways for personalizing your store spot even with a bunch of sellers around.

Ways to Get More Visitors

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Enhance your store’s visibility in search engines through optimizing product listings, blogs, and other site content. This natural way can keep visitors coming and keep your brand in the spotlight.
  • Social Media Promo: Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest are where the crowd’s at. Regular posts, stories, and chatting can pump up how folks see your brand and who follows you.
  • Paid Ads: Platforms like Facebook and Google Ads let you show specific ads. By using cool ads, you can get to folks based on what they like, what they’ve looked up, and more.
  • Teaming up with influencers: Collaborate with influencers in your niche to showcase your products.   Their endorsements can drive their fans might head over to you and it boosts your brand’s trust factor.
  • Email Marketing Campaigns: By sending tailored emails to the people who’ve signed up, you can get them to buy again, tell them to announce new arrivals, and keep folks loving your brand.

For instance I create brand stories for print-on-demand website Merchize by A user-friendly platform that makes it easy to create and upload designs, A wide range of high-quality products to choose from. Also, I have written many articles about Print On Demand by building Topical Authority to gain the trust of web users and search engines. As a result, our website traffic has increased 3 times compared to 2022.

Developing organic traffic of merchize in 2023
Developing organic traffic of merchize in 2023

5. Optimizing for Long-Term Success in Dropshipping

Once you’ve got the ball rolling for your branded dropshipping gig, it’s imperative not to rest on your laurels. Keep an eye and tweaking are the secrets to making sure your business not only rocks but totally thrives. Here’s how to streamline this process:

  • Product Performance Analysis: Regularly look over your collection. Identify and phase out products that register high returns, garner negative reviews, or consistently underperform in sales. Such products can ảnh hưởng your street cred and trust with customers.
  • Innovate and Refresh Your Offerings: The online shopping realm is dynamic, with consumer preferences constantly evolving. To stay ahead of the curve, it’s essential to consistently introduce new products within your niche. Your loyal customer base are always looking for new and exciting things. By always adding to your collection, you not only meet their wants but also get them to buy again.
  • Harness the Power of Data: Check out info from data to see how awesome some products are doing. When you see a product that’s super popular, think about adding matching or similar items to boost your sales even more.
  • Stay Anchored to Your Brand Ethos: When you’re growing big time, it’s easy to get distracted by what’s trending or quick cash chances. But always remember what your brand’s all about. Staying steady with your brand message and vibes makes sure your customers stick around.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Never forget how key it is to talk openly with your peeps. Hear what they have to say, get what they want, and change things based on what they think. By showing them you care about their thoughts and really want to meet their needs, you strengthen that bond with them.

Wrap up: Branded dropshipping is a cool mix of starting on the cheap and less risky in the online selling world. By picking your thing smartly, getting trustworthy partners, showing off online, bringing the right folks in, and fine-tuning all the time, you’re on your way. Wishing you winning adventures in branded dropshipping.

The post Branded Dropshipping: The Complete Guide for 2024 appeared first on Print on Demand & Fulfillment Service.

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Ecommerce Localization: How to Optimize your Store for International Business Thu, 14 Sep 2023 06:41:22 +0000 Going global is one of the best ways for companies to earn more sales, extend their market, as well as grow their business in the long run. On the way to creating a...

The post Ecommerce Localization: How to Optimize your Store for International Business appeared first on Print on Demand & Fulfillment Service.

Going global is one of the best ways for companies to earn more sales, extend their market, as well as grow their business in the long run. On the way to creating a multi-national business empire, it is important to build your own space in the internet world, where your customers can reach and buy your products. It remains a big challenge for most businesses to create one single store to serve customers from different countries who speak different languages and have different behavior patterns.

In this post, we will give you some practical tips on e-commerce localization or how to optimize your store for different markets.

1. Convert price into local currency

currency conversion for ecommerce localization

This is one of the simple and straightforward ways to tell your customers “Hey, I sell products to your country too”. You can easily convert the prices of your products into the currency of the country where your customers are browsing your store from.

Nearly 80% percent of customers prefer to shop at a website using the local currency.

Here’s how adopting local currency can help elevate customer experience and improve your conversion rate:

  • Keep the customers on your website and save them time

As the products are shown in local currency, visitors to your website won’t have to visit another site to calculate the prices or carry the mental load of doing the math to know how much a product costs.

This way, you can remove small inconveniences, smooth out the buying process, and encourage customers to buy your products.

  • Quickly communicate to your customers that the products are available in their country: When seeing the price in the local currency, customers will understand that these products are ready to sell in their country, at just one glance.
  • Increase trust for your store: A simple action like this is a sure way to show your commitment and readiness to serve customers from that country. Localization, starting with showing the price in local currency, will help to clear out any confusion and doubt when customers first visit your online store.


Depending on the platforms that you are using for your store, you can find various plugs-in and apps that help to quickly convert your prices into different currencies:

  • Shopify: Currency Converter Plus, Language Translate & Currency, Currency Converter & Switcher, Multi-Currency Converter Hero, Currency Converter Bear, etc.
  • Woocommerce: Currency Switcher, Woocommerce Multi-currency, Currency Converter Widget, Price Base on Country, etc.

2. Translate your store into local languages

Besides the currency, language is also an important barrier that might prevent your customers from making the purchase.

According to “Can’t read, Won’t buy” report, 53% of the consumers said that reading product descriptions in their native language is more important than prices.

Similar to the benefits of using local currency, having your website content, product descriptions, and customer support guide translated into the customer’s language will help them to save their time, increase your credibility, and signify that your products are available for sale in their country.

That’s not all. Translating your website can be an impactful and comprehensive solution for your e-commerce business:

  • Convince customers to buy your products: With translated materials, customers will be able to thoroughly understand your products’ features and benefits and how they can solve your problems.
  • Improve search engine visibility: Translated content is a signal to tell Google’s search engine that your website is providing relevant information for customers using that language. And in return, they will show up on your website when the customers enter a query in that language. It will help you to reach your target audience and expand your visibility in the online space.


It is best to have a refined translation in a different language. However, it could be a daunting task to manually translate everything on your website into a foreign language (and can cost you a huge amount of money as well).

To make it more convenient and time-saving, you can easily get through with the help of automatic translation tools.

Automatic translation might sound sloppy. But it is still better than nothing at all. It is also revealed in “Can’t Read, Won’t Buy” report that 65% of the customers prefer content in their language, even if it is poor quality.

Here are some recommended plug-ins and apps that can automatically render your website content into different languages:

  • Woocommerce: WPML, TranslatePress, Weglot, GTranslate, Polylang, etc.
  • Shopify: langify, Transcy, T Lab, Weglot, ETranslate, etc.

3. Customize your store designs and content for different countries

This is another suggestion to elevate your cross-border e-commerce store. Beyond the essential factors like currency and language, the design is also a way to communicate with your customers from different countries.

While visual elements like colors and images are considered the universal language that everyone across the globe can understand, there is still room for improvement if you want to create a specifically customized experience for customers from specific regions. Here are some suggestions to customize your website’s interface for different countries:

  • For a starter, you can use images, graphics, icons, or even text related to that country. For example, you can change your website banner with images that show the little flags representing the country.
  • To take it to the next level, you can even customize your visuals and content for special occasions and holidays in the country. This extra effort is a great way to show your understanding of their culture as well as your commitment to a specific market. It will help your brand connect with local customers.


If you are using Shopify, you can follow this guideline provided by Shopify on how to customize content by country.

Following this guideline, you will be able to:

  • Show different versions of the homepage banner to different countries
  • Display or hide certain products on collection pages
  • Switch to different versions of product pages based on country

4. Show estimated shipping information to a specific religion

Online customers would want to know whether or not the products are available to be shipped to their locations, how long it will take for them to receive the packages, as well as how much the shipping costs.

Depending on the location, details like shipping cost, delivery times, and shipping methods can vary widely. It is important to customize your store to show accurate shipping costs and delivery time based on the customer’s location.

Not only does it help to highlight the fact that your products are available for shipping to customers in the country but also shows your transparency and increases your business’s credibility.


In order to truly satisfy local customers and increase your conversion rate, you should go above and beyond showing your shipping information. Try to optimize and cut down the delivery time as well as the shipping cost as much as possible!

5. Tailor product offers and pricing for different countries

To fully localize your stores for specific markets, you can tailor your products and services to adapt to the preferences of local customers.

Take Netflix for example. This streaming platform’s major strategy for localization is to diversify its content to cater to different regions. US subscribers will get different content than subscribers from Japan. And, of course, there will be more anime content for people in Japan.

Another example is Brewdog. This brewing company is currently among UK’s the fastest-growing companies and registers an impressive annual growth rate of 167%. Not only in the UK but this brand has also successfully penetrated into other markets.

One of their strategy for cross-border expansion is to offer curtailed offerings for different countries. In England, they offer more bundle options, especially in smaller quantities, like 4 and 12 cans. But in Germany, a country with a bigger beer culture, they offer fewer bundle options and focus on larger bundles like 24 and 48 cans.

Besides creating market-specific product offers, to make your products suitable and more appealing for a specific market, you can also adjust the price to a reasonable amount.


Creating product offers that are suitable for a specific country requires in-depth research and a deep understanding of the market.

To provide the right products to each market, you can:

  • Hide products that are not available to ship to that country
  • Assess your competitor’s prices and adjust your pricing accordingly
  • Do research on local customer’s behavior and shopping preferences for your products

6. Offer diverse payment options

One of the main reasons that prevent customers from buying products from other countries is the payment process.

Even when you have checked everything listed above and successfully convinced customers to make it to the checkout stage, customers might still abandon the carts if they can’t find a suitable payment option.

That’s why is highly important to diversify your payment options if you want to expand your business across different countries.


Currently, credit/debit cards and digital wallets remain the most popular payment options for people across different regions. Make sure that you can cover these two options for each market that you are targeting.

Also note that In each country, people will have different preferred payment methods.

For example, with digital wallets, each country or region might favor different types of e-wallets. In North America, Europe, and Australia, PayPal is the most popular option, while in Latin American countries, PicPay or NUbank are the most preferred e-wallets. If you are expanding your business across different countries, it is recommended to offer a mix of popular payment options from each country.

7. Optimize your SEO for different locations

Besides creating a smooth and seamless experience on the website, you should also optimize your stores for better visibility in search result pages. When your website is able to rank for local keywords, you will be able to attract local customers through search results, increase the traffic to your website, and introduce your services and products to more and more customers.


Showing local currency or translating website content is also good for local SEO. Other than that, you can do the following practices to improve your website’s visibility on search engine result pages.

  • Hreflang tags: hreflang tags are used to tell search engines which version of your content should be shown to users, depending on their locations and language preferences. Implementing hreflang will help you to deliver the right content to your audience in different countries.
  • Country-targeted domain or subdomain: Using country-targeted domains or subdomains is also a popular practice that many international businesses are using. For example, besides the main market, if you also want to expand your business to other countries like France or Spain, you can create a specific subdomain for each market, for example, or
  • Market-specific content: Besides translating general content on your website, you can also create specific content tailored to audiences in different markets. By doing keyword research, you can pick out some local keywords with high volume and low competition and build your content around these keywords. This content can be written in the format of blog posts or landing pages, depending on the search intent.

ecommerce localization - optimize store for international market

The post Ecommerce Localization: How to Optimize your Store for International Business appeared first on Print on Demand & Fulfillment Service.

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How to Make Passive Income with Print on Demand in 2024 Fri, 08 Sep 2023 13:46:27 +0000 Learn the art of writing product descriptions that sell and enhance your print on demand passive income. Check out our blog for expert tips and examples!

The post How to Make Passive Income with Print on Demand in 2024 appeared first on Print on Demand & Fulfillment Service.


Have you ever heard of ‘print on demand’? It’s actually a business model where you don’t have to keep any inventory. This means that you can start an online store without having to invest in a lot of upfront capital. Here’s the fun part: when someone buys something, you simply print the product when it’s ordered and then ship it straight out to them. This makes print on demand passive income an excellent method to boost earnings.

Now, if you’re wondering what passive income is, it is income that you earn without having to actively work for it. Here’s the cherry on top: with print on demand, you whip up products and designs just once, but get to sell them repeatedly. Yup, that’s right – you can cash in even when you’re taking a break from your business.

So, if diving into an online venture without a hefty startup cost sounds appealing and the potential to generate passive income, then print on demand is a great option.

Is the Print on Demand Good for Passive Income?

Yes, print on demand can be good for passive income. Firstly, for those unfamiliar, POD operates on a simple premise. Your cool designs are only made a reality when someone decides to buy, wiping out the need for stockpiles, big storage spaces, and all those headaches we usually associate with selling product. Your main job? Whip up awesome designs and team up with a solid POD agency that gets your vibe. The agency shoulders the bulk of operational challenges, allowing you to primarily focus on creativity and marketing.

Sounds splendid, doesn’t it? Indeed, the advantages are hard to overlook:

  • Inclusivity: You don’t need to be a design wizard to jump into the POD scene. Given the bunch of design tools out there, creating marketable designs is more accessible than ever.
  • No mass prints: Your artsy creations only get printed when someone bought it, so it won’t waste your resources.
  • Technical Assistance: Numerous POD platforms handle the operational intricacies, allowing you to focus on design and marketing.
  • Lower risk: Many POD sites don’t ask for money upfront, so less money risks for newbies.

Print on demand is a great way to start a business with low startup costs and the potential to earn passive income. You can watch the video 10 reasons why you should start a print on demand business for more details.

But it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Like any business way, POD has its downers. Having tons of people use your design to sell it cheaper. Also, the quality of the stuff you’re selling, how it’s printed, and getting it to the buyer – that’s all on your chosen POD partner, so really check out possible partners. Besides, keeping an ear out, knowing what folks like, and keeping up with hot trends is key to keep winning.

How to Find a Profitable Niche

Selecting a niche is arguably the most critical decision in starting a print-on-demand business. Finding the perfect mix between what you love and making money can set your venture on the winning streak. Let’s dig into the tricks and tips to find that ideal print on demand niche.

Find a profitable niche that you're passionate about

Step #1. Begin with Passion: Self-Reflection and Interests

Your adventure starts with introspection. Understanding what you’re crazy about and where your expertise lies can help in crafting designs that resonate with authenticity. Consider these questions:

  • What hobbies or interests genuinely excite you?
  • Do you possess any shop know-how or professional crossover skills, like graphic design?
  • Which products often catch your eye while shopping?
  • Are there items you’ve always wanted to own?

Based on your thoughts, list down at least five niches you’re passionate about that can easily turn into print-on-demand products, focusing on trendy items like fashion, home goods, and accessories.

Step #2. Pivot to Profit: Current Trends and Market Analysis

While passion ignites your business, profit ensures its staying alive. Begin by researching current trends around your shortlisted niches.

Tools to Assist Your Search:

  • Google Trends: A super useful, free tool that provides insights on keyword popularity over time. It can hint at emerging trends or losing popularity in specific niches.
  • Google Adwords: Especially its Keyword Planner, helps in understanding keyword demand. Aim for primary keywords with at least 10,000 searches per month and related terms with around 50,000.
  • Trendhunter: A cool mix of insights, this platform is a goldmine for niche inspiration. The ideas tab can spark creativity while the insights section, albeit paid, offers rich data details on consumer behaviors.

Step #3. The Grand Decision: Merging Passion with Profit

With your passion niches and market trends at hand, now’s the time to decide. Go for a niche that:

  • Aligns with both your passion and profit considerations.
  • Targets a clear, sizable customer base.
  • Offers an extensive product variety suitable for POD.
  • Can be easily handled based on your skills and resources.
  • Receives positive feedback from peers or potential customers.

Trending Niches to Consider in 2024:

  • Fashion: Always in trend with lots of product ideas from tees to accessories.
  • Animals and Pets: Leverage the strong connection people share with their furry friends with cute designs.
  • Humor: Light-hearted, clever designs always find takers.
  • Jobs and Hobbies: Serve and shout-out to individual professions and pastimes.
  • Health and Fitness: As the global focus shifts towards well-being, this niche has gained super fame.

5 Trending Niches to Consider for Open Print on Demand Business

The journey to finding your perfect print-on-demand niche demands a blend of deep thinking, serious market check, and an eye on emerging trends. With the right niche, your business stands poised for both fulfillment and financial success.

How to Open a Print on Demand Store

Embarking on a print-on-demand business requires a strategic approach. Between selecting an eCommerce platform, setting up the store, and choosing a supplier, there are big choices to make. Here’s a comprehensive guide to launch your store seamlessly.

a. Deciding Between an eCommerce Marketplace and an eCommerce Platform

When diving into the print-on-demand world, one primary decision is where to house your products. Here’s a brief comparison:

eCommerce Marketplace:

Platforms like Etsy, eBay, Amazon and Walmart serve as busy online markets have a lot of potential customers. Here, businesses offer their products side by side. Starting on such platforms can be advantageous as they already have a ready crowd. The key is to optimize product listings with appropriate keywords to increase visibility.

eCommerce Platform:

Want a more personalized touch? Platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce allow you to craft a unique store that aligns with your brand identity. While it provides a custom feel, you’ll have to actively direct traffic to your site, perhaps via marketing strategies or sharing on socials.

b. Setting Up Your Online Store

Once you’ve picked on your favorite channel, the next step is actually making your store. The exact procedure may vary based on the platform, but most offer either:

  • A ready-to-use interface.
  • Customizable templates to shape the store your way.

Dedicate time and attention to this phase, assure your store not only looks appealing but is also user-friendly.

c. Picking a Trusty Supplier: Enter Merchize

A successful print-on-demand business leans heavily on a dependable supplier, responsible for printing and shipping products. Merchize – Your Go-To Supplier Solution:

  • Easy-to-use Platform: An easy peasy interface to sell unique items.
  • No Upfront Costs: Start without any initial investments and pay after selling.
  • Effortless Integration: Link Merchize with top eCommerce platforms and marketplaces.
  • Huge Product List: With over 350 top-notch product and always adding more, lots to choose from.
  • Order Whatever You Want: Whether it’s one product or a hundred, no low limit.
  • 24/7 Help: An always-there help team addresses any questions, making things run smoothly.

By trusting your POD service to Merchize, you join an elite group of over two million global merchants. We are here to assist you to boost your earnings with less hassle.

Start Your Own Print on Demand Business with Merchize

Ready to start your own Print on Demand business? Get started today with Merchize and turn your creative ideas into passive income. Start now!

How to Create High-Quality Designs

For both newbies and experienced folks, tools like Canva offer easy design fun. If you’re already an artist or designer, you probably make awesome designs or at least get the gist. With the help of cool design tools like Canva, you can take your work to the next level.

I started making money on print on demand sites using designs I whipped up on Canva Pro. Trust me, it’s super easy to make standout designs that are ready for product printing at Merchize.

You can dive right into creating your own designs with Canva’s freebie. That said, I’m all about loads of cool features that come with Canva Pro, especially the ability to easily change my designs’ size to fit usual print sizes and merch rules. With Canva Pro, I can create high-quality designs that look professional and polished, without having to waste hours figuring out tricky design software.

make sticker designs

If you’re on the hunt for a way to make wow designs without the fuss, I totally suggest giving Canva Pro a shot. You can hop on for a free tryout today and see for yourself how chill it is to make awesome designs that really pop.

Selling print on demand on Amazon can be a great way to make money. Learn how to do it in my blog post!

How to Market Your Print on Demand Business

Marketing effectively bridges the gap between your offerings and potential clients. Here’s a refined guide to ensure your print on demand store not only captures the right audience but also achieves robust sales.

1. Showcase Your Designs out there

Please publish your products without overthinking minor details. While aiming for perfection is natural, to achieve perfection takes a long process, sell what you have and improve your skills gradually.

For example, constantly revising your pricing might not be necessary. After your store is live, you can gauge if your prices are right based on conversion rates. Remember, the real feedback comes when your products are out in the market. Learn from the reactions and adjust accordingly.

Begin with a select number of standout designs you believe in. Then, channel your energy towards crafting persuasive product descriptions.

Print On Demand Hawaiian Shirt Design

2. Write Compelling Content

What you write is like your business’s first impression. It’s what possible buyers see first. It’s super important because it gives them their first thought about you. That’s why you gotta make sure it’s to the point, catchy, and grabs them. When you nail it, your writing can draw in more possible buyers and get them curious about what you do. Plus, it boosts your trustworthiness, which helps in making sales. On the flip side, bad writing can turn them off or mess up how they see you, making you seem not pro and someone they can’t trust.

3. Detailed Product Info

Good product details provide valuable insights like size, fit, material quality, and more. While crafting them, visualize yourself as the consumer. Address their questions and curiosities.

Ensure your descriptions:

  • Write in your own voice
  • Focus on what the product can do for the customer over features.
  • Are easy to understand. Tip: Use bullet points for clarity.
  • Leave out the unclear to prevent potential customers.

4. Optimize your descriptions for search engines

A key part of your descriptions is SEO: refining your content to boost your site’s visibility on search engines. This strategy draws in organic traffic.

Explore our article, A Beginner’s Guide to SEO out there, to understand:

How search engines work and search engine mechanics.

  • Tools to help you improve your SEO
  • Techniques to improve your website’s ranking in search engines   
  • Quick references in our SEO glossary.

With this guide, you’re on the right path to making your Print on Demand Business stand out and flourish. To write more outstanding content, read the full blog post to learn more about how to write a product description that sells.

5. Benefit of free marketing channels

Before jumping into paid ads, first explore the bunch of marketing ways available for free. Social media’s still a big deal in today’s online marketing scene.

build marketing strategy

Focus on mastering just a couple of platforms rather than stretching yourself thin across all. The three main points for all platforms are: produce high-quality content, put value first over sales, and really chat with your audience.

Below, we dive into the details of three big social media sites you can use without paying a dime. Get why they’re cool and tactics to get the best from each.

Reddit – The Front Page of the Internet

Reddit is a bunch of communities known as subreddits. It offers a unique voting mechanism where users upvote or downvote content, bringing the most appreciated content to the top.

  • Engage Authentically: Redditors value real input. Jump in discussions, upvote valuable posts, and share insightful content.
  • Beware of Over-Promotion: Follow the “Reddiquette" and individual subreddit rules. Too much self-promo can lead to getting banned.
  • Build Trust First: Become a respected community member before showcasing your products. By being a genuine contributor, you set the stage for a loyal customer base.
  • Further Reading: Comprehensive Guide on Using Reddit for Marketers

Facebook Groups – Nurturing Communities

With a lot of users, Facebook Groups offer a direct connection to potential customers.

  • Optimize Your Group: Enhance discoverability with a catchy group description containing relevant keywords and clear CTAs.
  • Set Clear Rules: Establish a set of rules to foster a safe and engaging environment.
  • Engage with Varied Content: Mix up your posting plan with user-generated content, live videos, polls, and visually appealing images.

Instagram – Visual Storytelling

Boosting your brand on Instagram is super important given its standing as the second largest social media platform, with more than a billion active monthly users. A staggering 86% of US businesses tap into its potential, followed by 81% accounts from the U.K. and 75% from Germany-based online stores. When charting out an Instagram strategy, first figure out what you want. Here’s a brief guide:

  • Sales-Oriented Posts: Showcase your products attractively. For instance, Anthropologie posts images of trendy outfits, effectively encouraging sales.
  • Portfolio Displays: For creatives, Instagram can serve as a visual portfolio. Artists like Toyin Ojih Odutola share their masterpieces to connect with fans and gain recognition.
  • Brand Messaging: Share motivational quotes or engaging visuals like the serene cat drawing, ensuring your brand’s essence resonates.

Really rock it, curate content aligning with your brand’s voice and the interests of your audience.

TikTok – Unleash Your Creativity

Getting your brand out there on TikTok can really change the game, considering its staggering 1 billion monthly active users. To tap into this creative and youthful community, you gotta know who you’re trying to reach. TikTok is mostly about folks aged 10-29, and a bunch of them are girls.

If this matches your target crowd, start by making your own branded channel and trying out different quick vids. TikTok thrives on no-dough, quick vids. Engage with popular tags and memes related to your brand. Adapt these trends creatively to make your content stand out.

By embracing TikTok’s fun vibe and knowing your audience, you can effectively promote your brand, get people involved, and make more money. So, jump into TikTok’s vibrant world and watch your brand flourish.

6 Consider paid advertising

Paid advertising is awesome for getting a quick traffic boost and ramping up your sales. Now, when it comes to advertising, you’ve got a bunch of social media platforms to pick from, but the top three heavy hitters are:

  •     Facebook
  •     Instagram
  •     LinkedIn

Facebook Ads

So, let’s talk about Facebook first. This platform is a real champ when it comes to reaching a massive audience with your ads. The cool thing is, you can get super specific with who sees your stuff – think demographics, interests, and even what they’ve done before. Basically, you’re showing your ads to the folks who are most likely into what you’re offering.

Now, check out the upsides and downsides of using Facebook ads:


  • Massive reach: With 2.08 billion active users, you’ve got a shot at reaching a ginormous crowd.
  • Targeted audience: You can zero in on your ideal audience based on their deets, making sure your ads hit the right peeps.
  • Budget-friendly: Especially if you’re just starting out, Facebook ads won’t break the bank.


  • Competitive: Since everyone and competition can be advertises on Facebook, it can get pretty competitive, which might hike up your ad costs.
  • Requires expertise: To squeeze the most juice out of Facebook ads, you’ll need to know your way around creating and managing them.

Here’s some Facebook ad inspo:

  •     A funny ad for your new thingamajig.
  •     A video ad that spins a tale about your brand.
  •     A carousel ad that showcases multiple products or services
  •     A lead-gen ad that hands out a freebie ebook or consultation.

Instagram Ads

Next up, we’ve got Instagram. It’s another rad choice for getting your ads in front of a big audience. Especially if you’re after the younger crowd, this is the place to be.

Let’s peep at the pros and cons of Instagram ads:


  • High engagement: People on Instagram are more likely to hit that like and comment button on ads compared to other platforms.
  • Super visual: Instagram is all about the visuals, so your ads better look snazzy.
  • Budget-friendly: Just like with Facebook, Instagram ads can be pretty kind to your wallet.


  • Competitive: The competition here is fierce too, which can drive up your ad costs.
  • Know-how required: To get the most bang for your buck with Instagram ads, you have got to know how to make and handle them.

Some Instagram ad ideas:

  •     A slick photo ad flaunting your content.
  •     A video ad with a story about your brand.
  •     A carousel ad showcasing your lineup.
  •     A story ad sharing a more personal side of your brand.

LinkedIn Ads

Last but not least, LinkedIn is where the pros hang out. If you’re aiming at businesses or pros, this is your jam. LinkedIn ads are gold for generating leads and sending folks to your website.

Now, let’s break down the good and the not-so-good about LinkedIn ads:


  • Targeted to the max: You can aim your ads at folks based on their job, company, industry, and more, making sure your ads land in front of the right eyes.
  •  Top-notch leads: LinkedIn users are usually pretty qualified leads compared to other social media peeps.
  • Budget-friendly: Yep, even LinkedIn ads can be a steal if you’re just getting started.


  • Smaller crowd: LinkedIn’s audience is smaller compared to Facebook or Instagram.
  • Know-how needed: To make the most out of LinkedIn ads, you’ll want to be comfy creating and managing them.

7. Look into influencer marketing

Influencer marketing rocks for reaching a new crowd and boosting your business. When you do it right, it’s a budget-friendly and powerful way to get more leads and sales.

Influencer marketing best practices

How to find influencers

The first step is to find influencers who are relevant to your target audience. You can start by searching for hashtags related to your field on social media. For example, if you sell print on demand t-shirts, you would want to find influencers who create content related to fashion or style by finding the hagtash #fashion,#style, #ootd (outfit of the day), #fashionblogger. Or you can use influencer marketing platforms like Upfluence or Traackr to hunt them down.

What to check in an influencer

When picking an influencer, keep these things in mind:

  • Their follower count: It shows how many people follow them, but it’s not the whole story.
  • Their engagement rate: It reveals how often their followers engage with their content.
  • The quality of their content: Make sure their content speaks to your crowd and looks top-notch.
  • Their authenticity: You want influencers who are real and true to themselves.

How to get in touch with an influencer

After you’ve spotted some influencers you want to team up with, it’s time to shoot them a message. Introduce yourself and your biz, and tell them why you think they’d rock your campaign. Be straight up about what you want in terms of content and promotion.

What you can give an influencer

You’ve got a few options to sweeten the deal for an influencer. Here are some usual ones:

  • Free products or services
  • Money
  • Access to your brand’s followers
  • Special content or discounts

How to see how things are going

You’ve got to keep an eye on how your influencer marketing is doing to know if it’s working. You can do this by checking stuff like:

  • The number of impressions your content received
  • How many clicks your content got
  • How many sales you bagged
  • How much it costs to get a lead or make a sale

In conclusion, Print on Demand offers a promising avenue for passive income. By selecting a profitable niche, establishing a seamless online store, creating high-quality designs, and leveraging diverse marketing channels, entrepreneurs can unlock the full potential of this business model. Paid advertising, while effective, should be approached strategically to maximize returns.

The post How to Make Passive Income with Print on Demand in 2024 appeared first on Print on Demand & Fulfillment Service.

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What is a brand story? How to create your brand story? Thu, 07 Sep 2023 02:06:15 +0000 What is a brand story and how it can help you in strengthening your branding? Read to learn how to create a compeling brand story on your own.

The post What is a brand story? How to create your brand story? appeared first on Print on Demand & Fulfillment Service.

When talking about building a brand, most people think about the visual representation of branding like logos, brand identity, brand colors, and so on. People usually forget the underlying yet impactful part of a brand – brand story. So what is a brand story, how can it help to elevate your brand, and how you and your business can create your own convincing and compelling brand story?

What is a brand story?

Branding is all about communicating your brand’s messages and values to the targeted audience. And visual communication is not the sole way to create a successful brand. Other than images, graphics, and colors, one of the most effective ways to achieve this goal is through storytelling or a brand story.

So what is a brand story exactly?

what is brand story

In simple terms, a brand story is the story of how your business came to be and how that beginning motivates and drives your business forward until today. This story essentially involves not only the factual events and information but also the lessons, humans, and emotions behind a brand.

A good brand story will help your brand to communicate clearly with your customers about the missions of your brand as well as evoke positive emotions associated with your brand and make them remember and feel connected with your brand.

How brand story differ from the traditional approach?

  • Visual identity vs. narratives

When sitting down to strategize the branding plan, most people are likely to branch out on the key visual identity elements like logos, color schemes, and typography, or other elements like taglines and slogans.

On the other hand, a brand story is more about creating a compelling narrative that expresses the brand’s history, values, mission, and purpose, which requires both visuals and words to form.

  • Focus on humans and emotions rather than features and benefits 

A good brand story, just like other compelling stories, must build upon characters and events. It goes beyond just a description of the company or products and how they can bring value and solve customer’s problems.

Brand story usually reveals the people, their values, struggles, and triumphs behind the brand. It could be the founders, staff, or even customers. This way, a brand’s voice will be humanized and familiarized with the target audience, fostering mutual understanding, emotional connection, and a sense of authenticity and relevancy.

So instead of remembering a brand only for its facade of products and services, a brand can connect with customers as a true living and growing entity.

Why should you use a brand story?

why brand story is important

Stories have always been a great tool for effective communication. However, not all brands minds to tell their story. If you are among those who aren’t familiar with the concept of brand story, here are a few reasons why you should start paying attention to create a compelling brand story:

  • Brand story makes your brand human and relatable. There is no better way than telling a story where customers can see where you’re coming from, what challenges you have faced, and what are your purposes. With the language of storytelling, you will be able to show an authentic, human side of the brand and engage with your audience.
  • Brand story also offers a shortcut to deliver your messages and set your brand apart from competitors. They can easily remember your brand, and understand your purpose and your brand’s unique position in the market through a small digestible story.
  • Brand story also helps to build trust and credibility for your brand. With a simple story, you will be able to establish a reliable narrative that lays the foundation for customers’ trust and support.

>>> If you’re participating in the print on demand business, let’s Merchize help you with the best tools for strengthening your branding with our branding services and products.

How to craft a persuasive brand story?

Creating a brand story requires no further than your writing and storytelling skills. However, if you don’t know where to start, here are some useful tips to help you create a compelling brand story.

how to tell brand story

Find your story’s conflict

There is no story without conflict. Romeo and Juliet wouldn’t have ended up the most famous love story of all time if Juliet and Romeo hadn’t gone against their families’ will, followed their wishes, and parted in peace.

The same is also true for telling a brand story. You need a conflict to create tension and drama in your story. Here are a few ways you can create conflict for your brand story:

Conflicts against industry norms: Conflicts usually arise when a brand seeks to challenge the traditional norms in the industry. A company might want to introduce innovative technologies, business models, or new approaches that go against the industry status quo.

Take Testla for example. The company has challenged the domination of fuel-powered vehicles in the automotive industry and the old perception that electric cars aren’t as powerful as traditional fuel cars. By making superpower electric vehicles, Tesla was able to disrupt the industry and make electric cars cool.

  • Conflicts against competitors: 

Competition always happens in any market. It can also be the source of inspiration for some great brand stories.

Netflix vs Blockbuster has become one of the well-known origin brand stories. In the beginning, both Netflix and Blockbuster competed as DVD rental service providers. Back then, Blockbuster was considered the leader of the industry while Netflix was a small start-up. In 2000, Blockbuster refused to buy Netflix at the price of $35 million, just to be overthrown by the same company they declined 10 years later. Netflix was able to turn the table around as it quickly transitioned into an online streaming service rather than sticking to the traditional rental model.

  • Conflicts in regard to environmental/social issues

Serving the right causes and fighting against unfairness and environmental and social issues can also be the reason for many brands to explain their existence.

Patagonia sets a great example for this. Yvon Chouinard, the founder of this famous outdoor clothing brand, started out the brand with a passion for outdoor exploration and a deep concern for the environment. Since then, Patagonia has developed its brand based on this initial foundation.

Above are just a few examples of how you can identify a conflict for the story of your brand. The conflict for your brand story could vary widely, depending on each company’s original materials and stories.

Identity a hero/main character for your story

As mentioned earlier, an important characteristic of a good brand story is the human connection. In order to do this, just simply add a hero – the main character to your story. In most cases, the heroes are usually the founders of the brand or the people who make significant changes to a brand’s story, mission, and business strategy. The hero will represent the brand and how it overcame challenges to make its place in the market.

In the case of Apple, Steve Jobs is definitely the face, the hero of the brand. Steve Jobs was the father of the brand.  However, due to some internal conflict, he was ousted from the board in 1985 and then returned in 1996, revived the brand with his visions and leadership, and helped it grow into one of the biggest tech companies today.

Steve Jobs’ characteristics like his favor of design simplicity, particular commitment to user experience, and ambition to change and disrupt the industries have reshaped Apple as we know it today.

Add an emotional punch to your story

Evoking emotion through your brand story is the short way to bridge the gap between you and your audience.

To add emotion to your story, you can tell a relatable story. It could be how your brand aims to solve customers’ real problems, showing your understanding and empathy with your customer’s emotions. It could also be about how the hero of the brand story overcame challenges to gain success. This hero can be the leader of the brand, the staff, or even the customers themselves. This way, you can create an authentic narrative that evokes genuine emotional responses.

Tell your honest story

Unlike traditional story-telling, the brand story is not a work of fiction. It should originate from a real experience and a real story. Of course, it takes effort to pick up details, highlight the conflict,  and channel the tone and voice to thread a cohesive and charming narrative. Still, your brand story should build up on real materials. Or else, you are deceiving your customers with an unreliable story.

Keep the story simple and concise

Each company and each brand will have to go through long journeys with all sorts of ups and downs to succeed and thrive in the market. However, it is not recommended to turn your brand story into a long story about every event and challenge your brand has experienced.

Keep it short and concise. Simplify your story, cut all the details that are relevant, and distill them into one or two key events that play significant roles in showing your brand’s values and missions.

Make sure that the story can be told within one or two minutes or even shorter. If writing it down, you should keep it around 200 to 300 words. The shorter the story, the easier for your audience to remember the story.

Share your brand story

It would be a waste if your carefully crafted brand story was tucked away somewhere on your website and never looked back again. Instead, you should share and spread your story across the organization and integrate it into your marketing materials.

For example, you can use the story in your company’s company profile presentation or introduction video. These materials be used by the sales team when presenting your company to clients and business partners or human resource team to share with new employees during the onboarding process.


A brand story isn’t just about recounting facts and figures; it’s a narrative that delves into the heart and soul of your business. It encapsulates the journey, the values, the people, and the emotions behind your brand.

In an era where authenticity and connection are key, a well-crafted brand story can be your brand’s most potent asset, resonating with your audience, fostering loyalty, and ultimately driving your business forward. So, don’t underestimate the power of your brand story; it’s not just a tale—it’s your brand’s heart and soul.

The post What is a brand story? How to create your brand story? appeared first on Print on Demand & Fulfillment Service.

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How to Optimize Snapchat Ads Cost for Print on demand Business? Thu, 24 Aug 2023 06:47:21 +0000 Make the most out of every penny spent on Snapchat Ads with our list of the best tips to optimize costs for Snapchat.

The post How to Optimize Snapchat Ads Cost for Print on demand Business? appeared first on Print on Demand & Fulfillment Service.

Snapchat is currently one of the most popular messaging apps among young Americans. Instead of remaining entirely free during its initial development phase, Snapchat has introduced advertising services to support brands in reaching a larger user base on this platform.

However, to achieve the best results and optimize advertising costs, content creators and businesses need to consider the following factors:

1. Campaign Objectives

The first factor that impacts advertising costs on Snapchat is your campaign objectives. Campaign managers on Snapchat play a crucial role in focusing on outcomes and understanding the cost per conversion for each goal.

Currently, Snapchat offers advertisers different campaign objectives, including optimization for awareness, instant interaction (swipe-up), app installs, 2-second and 15-second video views, shares, purchases, sign-ups, website visits, and more.

Encouraging users to make purchases on your website will incur much higher costs compared to having them watch a 2-second advertising video. Therefore, the amount you pay for advertising on Snapchat will vary depending on your goals.

While you still pay based on the number of ad impressions, setting bid prices based on objectives allows you to optimize the placement of your ads to achieve a certain price for each goal.

For example, if you’re selling print on demand clothing items and your goal is to increase sales on your website or e-commerce platforms, Snapchat will optimize your ad placement to target users with an intention to buy clothing or an interest in the fashion industry, rather than other demographics.

snapchat campaign objectives

2. Bidding Strategy

Advertising on Snapchat offers three main cost management strategies:

Auto-Bidding: Allows the platform to decide the bid price and the amount you pay for each displayed ad. You set your daily budget, and Snapchat uses its algorithm to maximize user actions (objectives) on your ad.
Max Bid: Lets Snapchat decide how to use your daily budget. This strategy places a limit on the amount you’re willing to bid for each ad impression. Snapchat still optimizes to achieve the highest bid price possible per action but with a cap on the bid amount per impression.
Target Cost: Lets you set an average cost you want Snapchat to aim for, known as CPA (cost per action). While Snapchat can’t predict when users will click on your ad, this method allows you to establish a general guideline for how much you’re willing to pay per desired action.

chiến lược đấu thầu bidding strategy on snapchat

Although Snapchat allows you to determine the amount to pay, there are two things to note:

Competition and Profit: Social platforms, including Snapchat, operate in a competitive environment. However, Snapchat still holds a substantial market share for POD items with unique designs that can attract users at first glance. Sellers can leverage Snapchat’s unique advertising formats, such as AR lens experiences, for users to try products directly within the app.
Algorithm and Bid Pricing: Snapchat possesses powerful algorithms to deliver optimal results for advertisers. Therefore, using bid strategies based on available options is advisable to harness the algorithm’s strength and achieve the best results for your ads.

3. Ad Types

Snapchat offers various ad formats for advertisers to optimize their targeting. The platform provides six different ad types, including:

  • Single Image or Video Ads
  • Collection Ads
  • Story Ads
  • Commercial Ads
  • Filter Ads
  • AR Lens Experiences

loại quảng cáo (ad types)

Image, video, and story ads might already be familiar to POD Sellers as they resemble advertising formats on Facebook and Instagram. However, Filter and AR Lens Experiences are newer formats with potential benefits for the POD market. With Filter Ads, Snapchat allows content creators to design brand-specific filters and propose them to relevant target customers. For example, a POD seller of hats could create various filters showcasing different hat designs. Users can then experience the products, share stories, and promote them to a wider audience on Snapchat.

Similarly, the AR Lens Experience could suit POD Sellers of clothing. Sellers can create a virtual dressing room on Snapchat, enabling customers to try on products before making a purchase decision. This is a novel advertising approach on Snapchat that POD Sellers can utilize to reach potential customers.

Based on direct pricing from Snapchat, advertising costs can vary widely depending on the ad type and start date. POD Sellers can refer to the following figures:

Single Image or Video Ads start at $3000/month.
Sponsored Ads vary significantly based on the advertising start date, starting at $450,000/month.

>>> Learn more about each Snapchat Ads Type and the basics of Snapchat Ads in our blog post.

4. Ad Metrics

Metrics are crucial to understanding your social media campaigns and Snapchat advertising costs. The Snapchat ad metrics platform is customizable, allowing you to focus on key data points for your campaign.

Ads metrics

While numerous metrics are important for evaluating advertising effectiveness, interaction metrics often provide detailed insights into reducing your Snapchat ad costs. Here are 9 Snapchat ad metrics to pay attention to:

  • Amount Spent: Total amount spent on the campaign to date.
  • Paid Impressions: Number of times your ad has been viewed. (There is also Total Impression which is the sum of paid impressions and earned impressions).
  • eCPM: Average cost per thousand views.
  • Video Completions: Number of ad views completed at least 97%.
  • Average Screen Time: Average time people spend viewing your ad.
  • eCPV: Average cost per view for videos (2 seconds or more).
  • Swipe Ups: Number of times people swiped up to view your attached file.
  • Swipe Up Rate: Average number of times people swiped up to view your attached file.
  • eCPSU: Average cost per swipe-up.

To maximize ad cost-effectiveness, you need to boost user interactions. These metrics will help you evaluate the effectiveness of your efforts. For instance, if you notice a high impression count but a low swipe-up rate, it’s crucial to inspire users to engage.

5. Ad Quality

Ad quality is an essential criterion in paid ads optimization, especially with metrics like Google’s Quality Score, which focuses on the user experience quality of ads and related landing pages.

Although Snapchat doesn’t have specific ad quality metrics, it can still impact your advertising costs on the platform. If Snapchat users don’t engage sufficiently with your ad and it fails to generate significant interaction, Snapchat may perceive it as a low-quality ad, potentially affecting its display on the platform.

On average, businesses allocate around 10% of their total budget to advertising activities. Given that Snapchat is relatively new to the print-on-demand industry, businesses might consider a slightly lower budget compared to more familiar platforms like Facebook or Instagram.

The post How to Optimize Snapchat Ads Cost for Print on demand Business? appeared first on Print on Demand & Fulfillment Service.

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