Branded Dropshipping

Branded Dropshipping: The Complete Guide for 2024

In the big world of online shopping, branded dropshipping is a game changer, changing up the usual way businesses work. Basically, dropshipping has always been an enticing model, allowing people to jump into the world of online retail without the stock limits. Yet, as the market gets crowded, getting standing out compared to competitors becomes a challenge. That’s where branded dropshipping enters, offering a cool mix of easy dropshipping with the personal brand vibe. Jump into this article to dig into details of branded dropshipping, from its amazing perks to handy tips to establish a standout brand in the online market.

What is branded dropshipping?

Dropshipping is basically a simplified approach to the e-commerce model. Normally, an online store would need to stock, store, and ship the products they wish to sell, which can be a pain because of extra costs and the headache of not selling items. But dropshipping takes care of those problems by turning online stores into a place to show stuff rather than a storage facility.

With dropshipping, when someone buys something, the store simply passes the order details to a third-party supplier or dropshipper. This partner takes care of making or getting, storing, and then sending the stuff right to the buyer. What’s cool is that online stores only purchase a product once they’ve already made a sale.

But with more and more online shops popping up, just being a dropshipper might not provide the competitive edge businesses seek. That’s where brand-focused dropshipping jumps in to elevate things up.

What is branded dropshipping?

Branded dropshipping builds upon the foundation of traditional dropshipping by introducing a unique element – branding. Instead of selling items under the original maker’s name, online stores sling these goods with their own brand vibe. This ain’t just about changing the name. It’s about doing things that make the product the shop’s name:

  • Custom Packing: The dropshipper makes sure stuff’s packed in materials that shout the online shop’s vibe. This can be as simple as using packaging with the shop’s logo or going all out with personalized boxes that match the shop’s look and feel.
  • Sticking Brand Tags: Some dropshippers don’t stop at packing; they slap brand tags right on the goods. So, when someone gets the item, the first name they see is the shop’s, not the first maker’s.
  • Personalized Product Touches: Sometimes, the branding’s all over the product. The shop’s logo or name could be stamped, printed, or even stitched onto it, making it feel all special.

What makes brand-focused dropshipping stand out, and why everyone’s digging it, is its built-in perks. This way, online shops can stand out in a packed market and build a tight relationship with their shoppers. Linking products to a specific brand makes them look more valuable, letting shops charge a bit more, which often means better earnings.

Plus, since people often think branded stuff’s top-notch and reliable, shops using brand-focused dropshipping get more trust and loyal shoppers. In a world where standing out is the name of the game, brand-focused dropshipping looks like the best fix for shops that want to leave their mark.

Benefits of Branded Dropshipping

Branded dropshipping isn’t just another online shopping trend. It’s a big change of the dropshipping game that brings in lots of perks. Let’s dive deep into the cool stuff branded dropshipping adds compared to the old-school dropshipping:

  • Happy Customers: One of the big wins of branded dropshipping is the chance to make a close connection with folks who shop with you. When they buy and get stuff that’s got your brand’s special touch, it feels personal, turning random shoppers into brand fans. This connection ensures repeat business and significantly boosts customer retention rates.
  • Decreased Return Rates: With your branded style, how they see the value and quality of the stuff you sell often feels better. As a result, businesses experience fewer return requests, as customers are more satisfied with their branded purchases.
  • Unique Selling Point: In the crazy world of online shopping, having your own vibe is like having a big, shiny sign, making sure you’re not lost in the crowd. Branded dropshipping helps you find your spot, making it harder for competitors to mimic your offerings
  • Bigger Profits: By going all branded, businesses can command higher price points. Folks often don’t mind paying extra for stuff from brands they connect with, thinking branded stuff is top-notch and trustworthy.
  • Building Trust: A brand isn’t just a cool picture or a word; it’s like a handshake saying, “We got this." Over time, always delivering the goods means folks will trust you more. In the long run, having folks trust you is like having a gold mine.
  • Doing It Your Way: Branded dropshipping lets you call the shots. From picking the box it comes in to choosing the sticker on it or even changing up the product a bit, you decide how you wanna show up. This keeps things fresh and the same wherever folks see you.
  • Match What They Like: Some research by smallbiztrends said a whopping 71% of folks lean towards brands that feel right to them. Branded dropshipping lets businesses tell their stories and what they stand for, making sure it fits what your folks believe.
  • Legal Safety: Venturing into branded dropshipping emphasizes the importance of being original and avoiding infringements. This conscious effort keeps businesses away from the pitfalls of selling copyrighted or counterfeit products, ensuring they remain on the right side of the law.

Benefits of Branded Dropshipping

How to Get Started with Branded Dropshipping?

Jumping into the world of branded dropshipping might seem daunting, but with the right steps, it’s a manageable and highly rewarding venture. If you’re considering taking this path, here’s an easy peasy guide to help you get started:

1. Choose a niche

Zeroing in on a niche isn’t just a step – it’s a pivotal decision that can steer the trajectory of your branded dropshipping journey. A well-chosen niche provides clarity, aligns with your brand vision, and connects with a specific audience eager for what you offer.

Importance of a Spot in Branded Dropshipping:

  • Focused Target Audience: A niche allows you to cater to a specialized market segment whose needs vibe closely with your offerings. This ensures more effective marketing and better sales numbers.
  • Spotting gaps: By picking a niche, you’re basically pointing out areas in the market that aren’t getting much attention. This magic ticket can be your ticket to growing your biz, as you meet a demand that many might be missing.

Strategizing Niche Selection:

  • Identifying Market Gaps: To make sure you’re diving into a promising niche, spend time checking out products. Get to know hot products, new market wants, and possible holes.
  • Use specific tools: Platforms like AutoDS have super-helpful stuff to help you out. From cool blogs that shed light on market dynamics to tools like their ‘Sell These Now’ YouTube Playlist, you’ve got some handy references. These tools give you the lowdown on hot dropshipping products, helping you pick from a bunch of options to find those that vibe with your brand and crowd.
  • Check out data: More than just tools, look at market reports, customer feedback, and check rivals. The more stuff you know, the better you can pick your niche.
  • Trust your gut: Research is great and all, but sometimes a gut feeling, with a bit of passion, can guide you to a niche that’s not just promising but also feels right for you.

2. Find a Supplier

Securing the right supplier is like finding a reliable backbone for your dropshipping brand. After picking your niche and deciding on the products, the next super important step is partnering with a supplier that fits with your brand ideas and ensures quality delivery. Let’s dissect how to approach this crucial phase:

Importance of the Right Supplier:

A perfect product is only as good as its consistent quality and timely delivery. Thus, a supplier can make or break your brand rep. They should be able to keep up the brand image you’re trying to create and stand out from competitors.

Qualities of an Ideal Supplier:

  • Dropshipping Friendly: They should understand the little details of the dropshipping model and be flexible to adapt accordingly.
  • Own Branding/Packaging: The supplier should offer services to manufacture or source products under your specifications and brand. Custom packaging boosts your brand image with every delivery.
  • Product Branding Options: From stamping your logo to custom tags, the supplier should make branding easy on the product.
  • Quick Delivery: Speedy delivery not only delights customers but builds trust in your brand.
  • Top-notch Quality: Consistent product quality is a must. It’s the real promise of your brand.

Exploring the Supplier Landscape:

  • Alibaba: Known for its big market, Alibaba offers a bunch of suppliers who can handle private label products. While they usually have a smallest order, with the right bargaining skills and a proven sales record, you can convince suppliers to support private label dropshipping.
  • CJDropshipping: A top pick for dropshippers, CJDropshipping doesn’t just support brand-focused projects but also offers unique services. From private labeling to custom packaging, they’ve got your back. Their finding cool products skill is especially handy, allowing dropshippers to bring in unique products not common in the market, leading to better profits.
  • Merchize: For those looking at the print-on-demand product, Merchize is an ideal and suitable location for businesses starting a business or expanding their services. We’re all about custom product creation, letting brands put their stamp on every item.

merchize storefront

Which ecommerce business model is right for you: dropshipping or print on demand?

3. Create a branded Store and Website

Here’s a step by step guide on how to make a cool store that stands out from the crowd.

  • Getting Started Your Unique Website: A unique website is more than just having a cool domain name. It’s a mix of user experience, design, and the vibe of your brand. Once your supplier is onboard, here’s how to lay the groundwork:
  • Design: Invest in a clean, user-friendly design. The easier it is for customers to find what they’re looking for and navigate through your website, the more likely they are to make a purchase.
  • Brand Identity: Reflect your brand’s ethos in every element, from the colors to the fonts. It’s not just about selling stuff but sharing your brand’s story.
  • Useful Info: Pack your site with cool info about your stuff, FAQs, and maybe even a blog. This not only makes you look legit but also gives your search a boost.

Making a Cool Logo with Hatchful:

One of the things people remember about a brand is its logo. A symbol, when done right, shows off your brand’s vibe in a flash. Here’s how to make an awesome logo with Hatchful, even if you’re not an artsy person:

  1. Sign Up: Navigate to and register with your email.
  2. Kickstart Your Journey: Click on the “Get Started" button. Dive into the world of logo creation.
  3. Define Your Business Space: Select an industry type that resonates with your brand. Be it Fashion, Tech, or Pets.
  4. Pick Your Zone: Choose an industry type that feels right for your brand. Be it Fashion, Tech, or Pets.
  5. Visual Style Selection: Go for a style that feels like your brand, from Modern to Futuristic or even Natural.
  6. Business Name and Slogan: Type in your business name. Throwing in a catchy phrase can make people remember you more.
  7. Usage Option: Tell them where you mostly wanna use the logo, like on your online store or Instagram.
  8. Choose and Edit: Hatchful will show you some logo choices based on what you said. Pick your fave, and mess around with it until it’s just right.
  9. Download and Deploy: When you love it, download the logo. It’ll be in your email, ready to be shown off everywhere!

4. Drive traffic to your website and Store

Building a branded store is just the start. The next big move is getting folks into your online space. With the huge online world, using many ways to get visitors can make sure that your brand pops and keeps getting folks in. Let’s dive deep into driving traffic to your brand’s vibe.

Choosing the Right Selling Platform

Your selling channel can make a significant difference in your brand’s visibility and credibility:

  • Customizable eCommerce Platforms: Platforms like Shopify and Wix are perfect if you want to tweak things. These let you design your website look that matches and amplifies your brand’s identity.
  • Marketplaces:  While sites like Amazon and eBay might seem less personalized, they offer vast audiences. Plus, they’ve got ways for personalizing your store spot even with a bunch of sellers around.

Ways to Get More Visitors

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Enhance your store’s visibility in search engines through optimizing product listings, blogs, and other site content. This natural way can keep visitors coming and keep your brand in the spotlight.
  • Social Media Promo: Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest are where the crowd’s at. Regular posts, stories, and chatting can pump up how folks see your brand and who follows you.
  • Paid Ads: Platforms like Facebook and Google Ads let you show specific ads. By using cool ads, you can get to folks based on what they like, what they’ve looked up, and more.
  • Teaming up with influencers: Collaborate with influencers in your niche to showcase your products.   Their endorsements can drive their fans might head over to you and it boosts your brand’s trust factor.
  • Email Marketing Campaigns: By sending tailored emails to the people who’ve signed up, you can get them to buy again, tell them to announce new arrivals, and keep folks loving your brand.

For instance I create brand stories for print-on-demand website Merchize by A user-friendly platform that makes it easy to create and upload designs, A wide range of high-quality products to choose from. Also, I have written many articles about Print On Demand by building Topical Authority to gain the trust of web users and search engines. As a result, our website traffic has increased 3 times compared to 2022.

Developing organic traffic of merchize in 2023
Developing organic traffic of merchize in 2023

5. Optimizing for Long-Term Success in Dropshipping

Once you’ve got the ball rolling for your branded dropshipping gig, it’s imperative not to rest on your laurels. Keep an eye and tweaking are the secrets to making sure your business not only rocks but totally thrives. Here’s how to streamline this process:

  • Product Performance Analysis: Regularly look over your collection. Identify and phase out products that register high returns, garner negative reviews, or consistently underperform in sales. Such products can ảnh hưởng your street cred and trust with customers.
  • Innovate and Refresh Your Offerings: The online shopping realm is dynamic, with consumer preferences constantly evolving. To stay ahead of the curve, it’s essential to consistently introduce new products within your niche. Your loyal customer base are always looking for new and exciting things. By always adding to your collection, you not only meet their wants but also get them to buy again.
  • Harness the Power of Data: Check out info from data to see how awesome some products are doing. When you see a product that’s super popular, think about adding matching or similar items to boost your sales even more.
  • Stay Anchored to Your Brand Ethos: When you’re growing big time, it’s easy to get distracted by what’s trending or quick cash chances. But always remember what your brand’s all about. Staying steady with your brand message and vibes makes sure your customers stick around.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Never forget how key it is to talk openly with your peeps. Hear what they have to say, get what they want, and change things based on what they think. By showing them you care about their thoughts and really want to meet their needs, you strengthen that bond with them.

Wrap up: Branded dropshipping is a cool mix of starting on the cheap and less risky in the online selling world. By picking your thing smartly, getting trustworthy partners, showing off online, bringing the right folks in, and fine-tuning all the time, you’re on your way. Wishing you winning adventures in branded dropshipping.

Benjamin Nguyen is a pivotal Search Engine Optimization Leader at Merchize, he dedicating his efforts to providing valuable resources to those in the Print On Demand industry. Gleaning from years of hard-earned experience in both the publishing and writing industries, Benjamin shares his wealth of knowledge through meticulously crafted marketing tips, insightful selling guides, style & trend advice, and indispensable e-commerce tutorials.